This is the Operation and Maintenance (O&M) manual for CCAT greenshed west wall. Please refer to it and keep it up to date with any O&M changes.


The CCAT greenshed west wall is a straw clay slip wall that was constructed using a wooden frame and filled with a straw and clay mix. Twenty-nine ‘liters of light’ are dispersed along the wall. The wall was finished using a lime plaster. The wall was well built, leaving very little required maintenance.

WestWall photo 1.jpg Bottle wall.jpg


Fig. 1. Straw clay slip wall inside
  • IT IS NOT RECOMMENDED TO MOUNT OR HANG ANYTHING DIRECTLY FROM THE STRAW CLAY SLIP WALL. Objects should be mounted to the wooden frame instead (Figure 1 shows wooden frame where things can be hung from).
  • AVOID STACKING ITEMS AGAINST THE WALL that would prevent the wall from being able to breathe.


Fig. 2. Minor crack in plaster
  • REPAIRING CRACKS AND FISSURES (See Instructions section below): Overtime, the straw clay slip wall will be subject to deterioration due to weathering. Minor cracks in the plaster do not pose a serious threat to the structural integrity of the wall. However, it may be beneficial to patch minor cracks with a plaster to prevent the inside from accumulating too much moisture, preventing mold growth and insect infiltration. The straw clay slip wall needs to breathe, so a lime plaster is recommended. Refer to the “plaster” section on this project’s Appropedia page for detailed steps to recreating a similar plaster. (CCAT greenshed west wall#plaster)
  • PLASTER TOUCH-UP (See Instructions section below): Touching up the plaster is more for aesthetic reasons and not absolutely necessary. It can be helpful if the plaster is beginning to wear away or fade.




  • Check for severe cracks or faults in the wall
  • Check for severe cracks or faults in the wall
  • Decide whether or not the plaster needs a touch-up
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