

The Campus Center for Appropriate Technology (CCAT) was established at Humboldt State University (HSU) in Arcata, California, USA in 1978. Since then CCAT has evolved into a living laboratory of sustainability that incorporates appropriate technology as a core operating philosophy. CCAT recently added a composting system into their facility where students, campus dining facilities, and community members can bring their compostable food waste. CCAT currently takes in over 50 lbs of community food waste a week to be composted. However, the current composting system has some specific issues such as: 1) lack of clarity/instructions for users 2) inefficient three-phase system and 3) rodent intrusion. These three aspects will be the primary focuses for our upgrade. It is our team goal to create a well-signed point-positive and user-friendly composting system that can be effectively utilized by anyone with or without a CCAT employee’s assistance. This project is set to be completed by the end of spring semester 2020.

Problem statement

The objective of this project is to update the current CCAT composting system. The current CCAT composting system is not user-friendly, rodent-resistant, or well-signed to guide composters through proper utilization. We plan to renovate the system so the community can add to and use the CCAT’s composting system with ease. Our hope is that after the renovations, using the system will be clearer and protected from rodents, leading to a more efficient and beneficial compost.

Additional Information

For more information or to learn more about Humboldt State University's CCAT, click the following link:

For basic information on composting, click the following link:

Background Information and Research

See the review of the available literature pertinent to the a specific project at CCAT compost system 2020/Literature review.


Client Criteria

Working on an existing compost project that needs to be upgraded it has naturally had many hands on it over time and will be utilized by many different people at CCAT, therefore we recognized the importance of listening to the desires of our client. In this case, CCAT has an extensive history with composting systems on their property and know in detail what has and hasn’t worked for their community. The history and evolution of the compost system is complex, and CCAT employees were helpful in the process of defining criteria. CCAT gave us recommendations as well as explained their reasoning for why each criterion matter and the weight they place on it. This final list is a blend of what CCAT had prepared and our criteria. Most of our criteria fit nicely with theirs.


Criteria Constraints Weight
Safety All those working on project and those who will engage with it will be safe
Functionality Minimizes the labor intensity of turning compost. The new system should simplify the composting process for both CCAT staff and HSU student body, be rat/rodent proof, and utilize space appropriately. CCAT would like a designated sorting area to streamline compost output and manage clutter.
Cost Staying under budget.
Aesthetics New compost system should blend well with the existing CCAT atmosphere, utilize the space designated appropriately, and have clear signage.
Longevity New compost system will be the final, long term solution for composting at CCAT. Materials and design will not require excessive maintenance

Proposed timeline

Dates Objective
3/2/2020 Tentative budget. Present alternative solutions to CCAT
3/9/2020 First project photos. Construct a prototype. Make materials list and begin formulating building plans.
3/23/2020 Begin construction process. Draft Appropedia page.
4/13/2020 Continue construction, keeping criteria in mind. Check-in with CCAT. Touch up anything needed.
4/27/2020 Final Appropedia Page and project write up. Construction completed
5/4/2020 Reflection and final Presentation.


For CCAT's compost system upgrade we have a total budget allocation from CCAT of $350. We are hoping to keep total expenses within that overall budget and reuse any appropriate items from the current CCAT compost system to reduce costs and the carbon footprint of the new system.

Quantity Material Source Cost ($) Total ($)
3 Barrels Renner Petroleum $10.00 $30.00
10 Wood Pallets Donations $0 $0
150 ft^2 Chicken Wire Ace $10/10ft^2 $150
1 Compost Crank Online $55 $55
75 ft^2 Insulation Sun Frost $0.60/ ft^2 $45
Total Cost $280



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