

We will be rebuilding the compost system at CCAT, which is the campus center for appropriate technology, a model home dedicated to demonstrating renewable and carbon neutral practices you can do in your home, which is located in Humboldt State University, for the spring semester of 2017. The new system will be insulated, and more accessible for the people living there, and will address some specific problems that the current compost system is facing, such as the pest control issue.

Problem statement

The objective of this project is to redesign and rebuild the compost system at CCAT in HSU to be more insulated, accessible, and protected.

Literature Review

Composting Basics

Webster’s Dictionary defines compost as “a mixture that consists largely of decayed organic matter.” (https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/compost) So many cultures have repurposed organic materials for farming, building material and fuel that it is hard to give credit to just one for the origin of composting. (https://web.extension.illinois.edu/homecompost/credits.cfm)

The basics of composting include organic material, a certain level of aeration, and insulation. The idea is that the insulated area creates its own heat which speeds up the decomposing process while the aeration helps to reduce the odor that decomposing material produces. The organic materials that can be composted are fruit/vegetable scraps from the kitchen, yard clippings, and paper materials. The things that should not be composted are meat, eggs, dairy products and any material that has been processed such as metals or plastics. (http://greenactioncentre.ca/reduce-your-waste/composting-basics-and-getting-started/) [1]

Methods of Composting

There are many different styles of composting. Determining which one is right for an individual is determined by a few different things: how much waste is produced, how much maintenance is needed for the system and how quickly the compost matures are just a few elements to consider. [2]

Barrel Compost

The barrel compost system is a relatively new system. It is a system that is easy to operate but there is some thinking to do about placement. This system doesn’t have a large storage space but it creates mature compost in as little as one month. (http://homeguides.sfgate.com/compost-rotating-barrel-78337.html) The maintenance of this system is very easy. The barrel should be turned once a week for proper aeration and once the compost is matured it must be removed and the cycle starts again. The mature compost can be used right away or it can be stored elsewhere for later use. One down side to this system is that once the barrel is full the addition of new materials but stop. This halts the constant production of compost but rather it is made in ‘batches’ which may not be compatible for high waste producing households. [3]

3 Part Compost

A three part compost system is very useful. It takes up more room than a barrel compost but material can be continuously added and turned for the constant production of usable compost. The idea is to have a three blocks where one side is the incoming block, the middle block is the “in progress” compost and the last is the ready to use, finished compost. The maintenance is a somewhat involved, since the incoming compost must be moved to the middle compartment and then once again to the finished side. If mixed and proportioned properly, there shouldn’t be much more maintenance than that but it is possible for it to need turning if it begins to produce odor. (http://ncmg.ucanr.org/files/118303.PDF)


Content on vermiculture.

Building Materials

According to ______ interpretive materials for composting should include....

Client Criteria

When speaking to CCAT about their needs and what improvements they are looking for, there were a few elements that stood out as more urgent needs. One of those needs was more insulation to speed up the decomposition time. Another was accessibility to the mature compost. (Interview with Austin Anderson.)


12.5 ft long x 4 ft deep x 3 ft tall.


blah blah blah

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