

Describe the background of the project.

Description of Opportunity


I am creating a comprehensive compost system for CCAT.


I will be designing a compost system that includes kitchen and yard wastes. The compost system will allow for multiple phases of compost to be “curing” simultaneously. Finished compost material will be used to amend CCAT’s present and future garden soils. Time allowing, some minor soil testing would establish a nutritive value for the compost.


As soon as possible to start the breakdown process of organic materials! According to the Co-Directors, CCAT currently has a compost system that is very inefficient. To maximize the nutrients collected from the materials placed in the compost pile, an efficient maintained system is needed. Compost can work year round especially in milder climates such as Coastal California.


On CCAT grounds somewhere. Ideally out of direct sunlight, in an easily accessible area (both for input user such as kitchen and output user such as garden).


  • Eliminates yard and food scraps from the waste stream. According to the EPA, 23% of our current waste stream is yard/food material.
  • Breaks down large materials in a shorter period of time than natural decomposition ie branches
  • Compost can be used to amend CCAT soils to increase agricultural yields, improve the physical and chemical properties, increase soil stability (prevents erosion), and increasing topsoil quantity and health.
  • Breaks down weed seeds and certain pathogens with high temperatures. “cleans the soil”
  • Promotes microbial growth, the main factor in breaking down rock materials in to a size usable as plant nutrients. Encourages earthworm production important ecosystem engineers.
  • Soil loss, decreased nutrient availability and lower microbial populations are all very important environmental issues that should be of major concern. If every person were to take their organic materials thrown in to the waste stream and return it to the soil through composting, all three of these issues could be significantly reduced in severity.
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