Template:Photowantedsca Our current list of news articles is in the far right hand column. An example of a fairly extensively developed CASwiki news article is Climate news 2018, but of course news sections of existing pages and then eventually separate news articles can be started off with just a few items of relevant information.

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Share news

Greenheart.jpg Share news about community action for sustainability topics, or news by place.

News timelines can be a section of any existing Caswiki topic, place or resource page. When the collection of news becomes sizeable it can then be forked off into a separate news article.


News relevant to topic or place

As all topic, resource or place news articles can be considered an offshoot from the relevant corresponding topic, resource or place article they are intended for news and comment in the context of their corresponding 'home' page.

News of interest to Citizens and community groups

CASwiki news articles have a focus on news of community action for sustainability. News from a more limited perspective eg of interest only to 'professionals' or 'experts' should be avoided.

Forking content

Timeline information as a section within a page may be brief or headline type summaries with references (and links) to news sources.

If a news article becomes too lengthy, it can be forked into news articles by date eg see climate news articles in Category:CASwiki topic news

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