1) Is there an existing demand for the part or product? If yes, is there improved viability, feasibility, desirability or sustainability with 3-D printing?

  Yes, there is an existing demand. Black mamba bikes ridden in East Africa are often ridden without pedals because the existing pedals fail.  Replacements to existing pedals often needed, but not readily available.


  Yes, a 3D printing service bureau could sell replacement pedals in East Africa.


  Yes, pedals are desired by those who do not have working pedals.


  Yes, it is technically feasible to print a bike pedal.

2) Is there an existing offering/part made by traditional manufacturing processes?


If Yes, is there a benefit to 3-D printing the part? (e.g. geometry complexity, customization, density, rapid prototyping, reduce lead times, or unique 3D printing material)?

  A pedal could be 3D printed in a remote location where there are not existing pedals for sale.

3) Is it feasible to 3D print part?

Is the the volume of part less than the build envelope?

  Yes, a pedal is approximately 400 cubic centimeters and the build envelope for the MOST Delta has a 25cm diameter and a 24cm high cylinder.

Is the maximum operating temperature range for part less than the glass transition temperature for the printing filament?

  Yes, the highest recorded temperature recorded in Kenya is 42.5 degrees C, while the glass transition temperature for PLA is between 50 and 60 degrees C.

4) Is there an existing CAD Model or STL file for part?

  Yes, Black Mamba Bike pedal.

5) Determine and quantify necessary mechanical properties, standards, and loads for part.

The following testing methods and standards are given by SASO [1].

 Pedal-spindle impact test. Release 15kg from 200mm to strike pedal and spindle.
 Pedal-spindle - dynamic durability test. 100,000 revolutions at 100 per min with 30kg mass attached to tension spring.
 Static strength test.  Apply vertical downward force of 700N to pedal for 1 min.

6) Prioritize necessary mechanical properties, standards, and loads for part.

 Static strength test was selected due to simplicity.  The vertical downward force was increased to 1000N for simulation.

7) Model existing part or prototype.

 OpenSCAD was selected among the opensource software packages.

 STL Files for printing: File:Pedal End 1 File:Pedal End 2 File:Pedal Grip 
 Parasolid file for FEA: File:Pedal2.x t

8) Conduct Finite Element Analysis (FEA).

 ANSYS was selected for FEA.
 Analysis: Structural
 Element Type: Solid 183 or Solid 187
 Load: 1000N
 Young's Modulus: PLA - 3.5 GPa
 Poisson's Ratio: 0.36

9) Determine if part should be 3D printed based on (FEA).

  Based on FEA the largest stress will concentrate around the spindle.

10) Select the most appropriate 3D printing filament.

  PLA was selected as the best filament.

11) Import CAD file into slicing software.

  [Insert image of cura]

12) Determine optimal printing build parameters in slicing software with regard to necessary mechanical properties, standards, and loads.

 Orientation: Vertical

Cura Settings Used:

From the Cura screen, select Machine>Machine settings. Set:

 E-steps per 1mm filament to 0
 Maximum width (mm) to 252 (the printer diameter)
 Maximum depth (mm) to 252 (the printer diameter)
 Maximum height (mm) to 250

In the Basic tab

 Layer height (mm): 0.25
 Shell thickness (mm) 1.4
 Bottom/Top thickness (mm): 0.5
 Fill density (%): 10
 Print speed (mm/s): 70
 Printing temperature (C): 210
 Filament Diameter (mm): 1.75
 Flow (%) 100
 In the Advanced tab
 Travel speed (mm/s): 250

13) Export G-Code from slicing software and import G-Code file into 3D printing software.

14) Select printing software.

 Pronterface was selected.
 Printer Settings Tab
 Baud Rate: 115200
 X & Y manual feedrate: 4800
 Z manual feedrate: 4800
 Select the Check box that says circular build platform

15) Ensure printer is calibrated.

16) Print part.

17) Test printed part to failure.

18) Does part fail as expected in FEA simulation?

19) Does part meet necessary mechanical properties, standards, and loads for part?

20) Quantify why 3D-Printed product is better than existing offerings.

21) Cost Analysis

22) Qualify why 3D-Printed product is better than existing offerings.

23) Continue iterative design process to optimize part for end user.

See also

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  • [[]]
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External links

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