Bike Chain Guard

Project developed by [Alyssa Knoester]



  • The OSAT piece is a universal chain guard for a bicycle.
  • It improves the safety of a bike for people who may not have access to a new bike or chain guard and is attached simply by string or a zip tie.
  • There hasn't been case studies regarding chain guards however there have been stories and research into the significance of bikes in developing countries. Bikes help alleviate poverty in developing countries.
File:Chain Guard.png

Bill of Materials

  1. Provide a full BOM -- Materials needed for fabrication of device and alternative materials if they are not available, prices/sources of non-printable parts
  2. PLA Filament bike_chain_guard2.SCAD
  3. 2 Liter Bottle (free from recycling)
  • Attachment Method:
   2.Zip Tie
  • Adhesive:
   1.Super Glue
   2.Hot Glue

Tools needed for fabrication of the OSAT

  1. MOST Delta RepRap or similar RepRap 3-D printer
  2. Potentially a Hot Glue Gun

Skills and Knowledge Necessary to Make the OSAT

  • None

Print Instructions

For all printed components

Material: PLA

Layer Height: 0.2mm

Shell Thickness: 0.8mm

Fill Density: 15%

Print Speed: 70 mm/s

Printing Temperature: 210 C

No supports necessary.

Total Printing Time: 1 hr 45 mins

Assembly time: >5 min

Assembly Instructions

  1. Cut a section of " by " from the 2 Liter bottle
  2. Glue the bottle in the seam of the 3d printed part see image below
  3. Use string or zip tie to attach to bike
File:Chain Guard Bottle.png

Common Problems and Solutions

  • There were no problems with building or printing, more testing would be necessary for improvements.

Cost savings

  • PLA Material: $0.38
  • Means of Attachment:
  1. String: $0.003 (third of a cent for a 6 in piece)
  2. Zip tie: $0.01
  • Adhesive:
  1. Hot glue: $0.005 (half a cent or less of glue)
  2. Super glue: $0.03

Total: $0.39-$0.42

Commercial: $24.28 [24 in Guard]




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