Key points (as discussed by Chriswaterguy of the Appropedia Foundation and SJ Klein of OLPC):

    • working together on creating content for the XO aka Children's Machine.
    • working together on copyright release of content which is locked up due to unclear copyright status.
    • Appropedia curates content
    • OLPC focuses on distribution and localization.

Text of MoU

This is the EWB-UK model, to be adapted to the key points above:

Memorandum of Understanding
Version 1.0, updated 5 December 2008

1 . Preamble

A Memorandum of Understanding is a legal document describing a bilateral or multilateral agreement between parties. It expresses a convergence of will between the parties, indicating an intended common line of action and may not imply a legal commitment. -, referenced 13 August 2007

This Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) forms the basis of a voluntary strategic partnership between One Laptop per Child (OLPC) and Appropedia established to better achieve the strategic aims of each organisation.

This MoU is not a contractual document and does not impose any legal obligation on either party. The overall relationship described by this MoU is a voluntary arrangement, intended to provide benefits for both parties and for society. This MoU is independent of agreements signed between OLPC or its international affiliates, and either Appropedia or the Open Sustainability Network.

2 . Organisations

2.1 Appropedia

The Appropedia Foundation is a California-based NGO supporting an international community (reg details... , purpose and other information that helps develop an understanding of what Appropedia is)

2.2 partner name

partner name is a (registration, information that is similar to that given in 2.1 for comparison purposes)

3. Initial areas for collaboration

The aim of this voluntary strategic partnership in general terms is to...

Specific objectives are as follows:

  1. To work together on creating content for the XO, aka Children's Machine.
  2. To To work together on copyright release of content which is locked up due to unclear copyright status.
  3. Appropedia curates content.
  4. OLPC focuses on distribution and localization.
  5. To share information of events, publications and activities of interest to the organisations and their stakeholders.
  6. To consider additional specific projects where collaboration may be effective and efficient (e.g.: ...).

4. Schedule

This memorandum of undestanding stands for a period of N years from date. It will be reviewed annually by each party or as required. Either party can cancel this MoU by giving 30 days notice to the other party.

5. Published Materials

This is an open document. Each organisation will be able to clearly state and acknowledge this document to donors, members and other stakeholders. Such communications should be checked by the other party wherever possible.

6. Signatures

This MoU reflects the common understanding of the following parties:

(names & titles of heads of respective organizations) Chris S.J. Klein Title Title Appropedia Foundation One Laptop per Child Date: Date: Date:

7. Annexes

1. Agreement for Specific Collaboration on...


  • When we say "Appropedia curates content." what is meant by the terms curate (I think of museums) and content (are we talking operating systems, applications, all applications, some applications, and so on)? My current understanding of both organizations is limited, but it seems that we may be talking configuration management, providing downloads, or something like that.
  • Related to the above note, how does content for the XO-2 or pre XO models fit in? Do we want to limit this to the XO?
  • I left last two bullets in Section 3 in because they encourage a synergistic relationship and proactively leave the door open for future opportunities.
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