Ejido Verde is a mass-reforestation project structured as a private-public-Native initiative, an innovative form of social enterprise and community forestry that will benefit the most marginalized rural families, sustainably alleviate poverty, and improve the environment—in addition to providing a key raw material for an established industry.


Ejido verde es una iniciativa de reforestación masiva que, desarrollado a través de nuestro modelo, crea fuentes sostenibles de trabajo para las comunidades más marginadas de México e impulsa una de las industrias más vulnerables del país, la resinera.

El proyecto está estructurado de tal manera que reúne al sector privado, al público y a distintas comunidades indígenas de México. Es un innovador modelo que combina emprendimiento social, la reforestación del medio ambiente y la integración y conservación del patrimonio nacional.

El propósito del proyecto es trabajar de manera conjunta con las comunidades locales para un mejor manejo de la tierra, impulsar la protección del medio ambiente e incentivar la economía local para que más familias obtengan una fuente de ingresos digna y sustentable para las futuras generaciones.



Ejido: Communal land on the outskirts of a town, destined for common services, such as a cattle pasture. System of distribution and possession of land institutionalized after the Mexican Revolution, granting land for use by a group of people.

Verde: Green.

This is where you can describe what already exists, what is needed, etc. You may want to include inline references. [1]

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    • and two for the next indent
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Project goals

Ejido Verdi's goals hold to a triple bottom-line:

  • Viable ROI (return on investment) [ profit ]
  • Community wealth & well-being for marginalized rural and indigenous communities [ people ]
  • Carbon offsets to reverse global warming through tree planting [ planet ]

These are not three separate goals but are intertwined in a holistic system. As such, the project is a model of regenerative design. As such, it's not a mere concept but, rather, an active, visible, measurable practice on the ground. Thus it can not only scale but be iterated in diverse situations.

Describe project goals here.

To make a numbered list use the pound sign:

  1. Like this
  2. and like this
  3. See Help:Contents for more formatting code.

Describe your design here.

Next level heading

You may need deeper level headings. Just keep adding equal signs to get that.


The economic value of non-wood forest projects require a longer than average ROI (return on investment) time scale. For example, it takes pine trees about 10 years to produce a viable amount of Wikipedia:resin. Major players in pine resin can raise pesos for investment in maintaining the trees, but would want a high interest rate. Other hurdles exist, but the bottom line here is clear. The project is profitable and scalable, and needs committed investors willing to make adjustments in their everyday views to take into account the project's uniqueness. Fortunately, the project is not theoretical research, but is, rather, already applying its concept in action. It is thus available for assessment across various criteria.  

You may describe your costs here.

header 1 header 2 header 3
row 1, cell 1 row 1, cell 2 row 1, cell 3
row 2, cell 1 row 2, cell 2 row 2, cell 3

See Help:Tables and Help:Table examples for more.


Your discussion.

Next steps

The next steps.


Your conclusions.


  1. You can use the ref code to include inline references. See Help:Footnotes for more.

External Links

Ejido Verde official website Facebook page @EjidoVerdemx at Twitter

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