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{{Lang|[[AEF Graywater|English]] - [[AEF Sistema de Reutilizaicon de Aguas grises|Español]]}}
{{Lang|[[AEF Greywater|English]] - [[AEF Sistema de Reutilizaicon de Aguas grises|Español]]}}

[[Image:AEFcurrentmarsh.jpg|frame|El Pantano nuevo y mejorado|left]]
[[Image:AEFcurrentmarsh.jpg|frame|The new and improved Marsh|left]]

For our final project we rebuilt a greywater system at the [[CSA]], Arcata Educational Farm.  [[Greywater]] consists of all used water produced at a particular site, except for water coming from the toilet, which is known as blackwater.  When building a greywater system you first separate the greywater from the blackwater and send the greywater through a separate treatment system. Ideally, after the greywater passes through the purification process it will then be able to be reused. Greywater systems are an appropriate use of technology for many reasons.  Some of them being: they reduce the use of fresh [[water]], there is less stress on existing more conventional [[:Category:Septic_tanks|septic tanks]], it is a highly effective [[:Category:Water_purification|purification]] process, and there is less chemical and [[energy]] use required.  In our case the majority of water used on the farm is to water [[:Category:Food crops|vegetables]], herbs, flowers and fruits, and the source of greywater comes from the outdoor kitchen, used by the farmers and volunteers to cook and wash vegetables or dishes.

Como proyecto final reconstruimos un sistema de reutilización de aguas grises en el [[CSA]] de Arcata Educational Farm.  [[Greywater|Las aguas grises  o aguas usadas]] son todas las generadas por un proceso particular en el hogar,  con excepción de las aguas cloacales contaminadas  con desechos  del retrete, que se conocen como aguas negras.  Al construir un sistema de aguas grises primero se separan las aguas grises de las aguas negras, las aguas grises se envían a un sistema de tratamiento separado. Idealmente, el agua gris puede ser usada  después de que  pasa por el proceso de purificación.  Los  sistemas de aguas grises implican un apropiado uso de la tecnología por muchas razones: reducen el uso de [[water|agua]] fresca, protege las reservas de agua subterránea, reducen la carga en los[[:Category:Septic_tanks|pozos septicos] o plantas de tratamiento existentes,  es un sistema de [[:Category:Water_purification|purificacion de agua]] altamente efectivo que usa menos químicos y [[energy|energía]] por bombeo y tratamiento.  En nuestro caso, en la granja  el agua se usa en su mayoría para lavar [[:Category:Food crops|vegetales]], frutas, hierbas y flores; la fuente de aguas grises es la cocina, usada por granjeros y voluntarios.

== El Sistema Original ==
== The original system ==
[[Image:AEFprevmarsh.jpg|thumb|Fig 1: Diagrama de flujo del pantano anterior|left]]
[[Image:AEFprevfilt1.jpg|thumb|Fig 2: Tanque de reserva anterior|right]]

[[Image:AEFprevmarsh.jpg|thumb|Fig 1: Previous marsh flow diagram|left]]
[[Image:AEFprevfilt1.jpg|thumb|Fig 2: Previous marsh settling tank|right]]
The original system was a constructed wetland with an initial settling tank that had no existing grease trap or filtration system. The initial settling tank was a 55 gallon drum, which sat entirely underground. The water came straight from the kitchen sink and into the drum.  When the water reached the top of the drum it would flow out a funnel, and into the marsh.  The marsh was a five by ten foot rectangular pond and was approximately 4-6 inches in depth.  The waterproof membrane was made of pond liner and was filled with pea gravel and bulrush.  In this particular system the water was not reused, it was simply directed out of the right corner at the end of the marsh.  It was not clear to us when we were deconstructing the marsh why there was a settling tank to begin with, because it seemed that a pipe going directly into the marsh would have had the same effect.  We identified some major flaws in the original design: the initial settling tank was ineffective, because there was no grease trap; there was no filtration system to eliminate larger food particles from entering the wetland; and the drum simply acted as a holding tank, which is a serious mistake because when greywater is held stagnant it turns into blackwater.  Moreover, the wetland was too shallow, causing the water to overflow when large amounts of water were introduced to the system, and there were no existing baffles, to help move and filter the water over the roots of the plants.

El sistema original era un pantano artificial con un tanque de reserva que no contaba con un sistema de filtración de grasas.  El tanque de reserva era un contenedor de 55 gallones de capacidad ubicado enteramente bajo tierra. El agua fluía directamente del lavabo de la cocina hacia este contenedor.  Cuando el contenedor se llamaba, el agua  fluía  a través de un desagüe (embudo) hasta el estanque.  El estanque era rectangular de 5 x 10 pies, con una profundidad de aproximadamente 4-6 pulgadas.  La membrana a prueba de agua  estaba hecha de polietileno lleno de grava y paja totora.  En este sistema el agua no se re utilizaba, simplemente se depositaba en el estanque.    Cuando de-construimos el sistema no teníamos claro porque había una cisterna en primer lugar, una tubería que conecte directamente al lavado de la cocina con el  estanque hubiera tenido el mismo efecto.
== The new Greywater marsh: design, method, and materials ==
Identificamos algunos defectos en el diseño de este sistema: el tanque de reserva original no era efectivo porque no contaba con un dispositivo para atrapar grasa; no había un sistema de filtración que impidiera que  partículas grandes de comida entren al estanque; el tanque era solamente un contenedor lo cual es un serio problema porque cuando las aguas grises se estancan se convierten en aguas negras.  Además, el estanque era poco profundo y  se desbordaba cuando grades cantidades de agua entraban al sistema, no había conexiones que ayuden a mover y filtrar el agua hacia las raíces de las plantas.
== El Nuevo Estanque de aguas grises: diseno, metodo y materiales ==
Nuestro diseño también es un pantano artificial, pero más grande, con un tanque de reserva funcional y con un desagüe que riega un árbol de manzana cercano. El diseño que escogimos está basado en la poca cantidad de aguas grises generadas semanalmente en la granja.  En el libro “Crea un oasis con aguas grises” Art Ludwing provee una guía para estimar los recursos necesarios.  Aproximadamente en el lavabo de una cocina se usan 5 galones de agua por persona, esto significa que dos granjeros usando la cocina todos los días producirían 70 galones de agua a la semana, tomando en cuenta a los voluntarios e internos que hay en la granja, estimamos que un voluntario diario aumentaría 35 galones de agua por semana en total.  Adicionalmente calculamos que 15 estudiantes  de la clase de Agricultura Comunal utilizan la cocina los viernes, esto añade otros 75 galones de agua por semana. Finalmente calculamos la cantidad de  agua necesaria para lavar vegetales durante el punto máximo de la temporada y dedujimos  que se usa un total de 20-30 galones por semana. En la Granja Educacional Arcata genera aproximadamente 200 galones de aguas grises por semana.  Hemos construido un pantano diseñado para almacenar esta cantidad de agua.
[[Image:AEFprevfilt2.jpg|thumb|left|Fig 3: Limpiando el viejo tanque]]
[[Image:AEFdigmarsh.jpg|thumb|right|Fig 4: Cavando]]
Después de determinar la cantidad de agua que se utiliza semanalmente en la granja y escoger el diseño del sistema, empezamos a de-construir el sistema original rescatando lo que más pudimos de la paja totora.  El siguiente paso fue deshacernos de las  aguas negras depositadas en el fondo del sistema original (ver figura 3). Este proceso fue repugnante, el olor era horrible, no le deseo esto a nadie.  Una vez que descartamos  las aguas negras, empezamos a cavar el hueco de nuestro estanque Fig 4).  El pozo mide 5 x 12 pies y tiene una ligera pendiente de 24-30 pulgadas de profundidad.  El pozo se cavo a desnivel para que la gravedad mueva el agua a través del sistema del estanque (ver diagrama Fig. 5).  El hueco tiene una profundidad de 24-30 pulgadas para que las raíces de las plantas pueda crecer en su máximo potencial.
Una vez que cavamos el pozo, usamos dos pedazos de revestimiento de polietileno para cubrir el hueco y pusimos rocas en la parte de afuera para mantener el revestimiento en su lugar (Fig6).  Luego instalamos uno y medio bafles (pequeñas barrara móvil que regulan la entrada de agua), que están hechos de madera contrachapada (Fig 7.) El primer bafle fue colocado a tres pies de la entrada de la tubería, y la el medio bafle se asienta en ladrillos.  El último bafle esta a la misma altura la parte inferior del estanque (ver diagrama Fig. 5). Conseguir que los bafles estén en su lugar fue un reto.  Cavamos ranuras en las paredes del pozo y deslizamos los bafles por las ranuras, para hacer este proceso más fácil cortamos las esquinas de la parte de abajo del los bafles, esto previene la ruptura del revestimiento del polietileno. 
Por último pusimos lodo alrededor de la parte exterior de los bafles,  debajo del revestimiento.  Este  método funciona bien, haciendo que los bafles sean sólidos y seguros.
[[Image:AEFcurrentsystem.jpg|thumb|300px|right|Fig 5: Diagrama del nuevo pantano]]
Como tanque de reserve inicial utilizamos el mismo tanque pero cortamos un pie de la parte baja para hacer que sea más pequeño, hicimos esto porque retener por largo tiempo aguas grises da como resultado aguas negras.  El nuevo tanque de reserva se  localiza un poca más arriba que el tanque original, dejando casi la mitad del tanque fuera del de la tierra.
Como sistema de filtración instalamos una malla alrededor del la parte de arriba del tanque, esta lamina esta sujeta con una pequeña pero rigida tira de aluminio que fabricamos.  La malla se utiliza para desviar partículas de comida que se pueden utilizar para hacer compost (Fig8.) Dentro del tanque construimos una trampa (pantalla) para mantener las grasas fuera del pozo. Pusimos un cubo de 4 galones boca abajo y 3-4 pulgadas sobre la parte de arriba de un tubo vertical de 1 ½ pulgadas.  El tubo vertical en el tanque inicial sirvió para determinar la dirección del agua.  Este tubo pasa a través de un agujero (sellado) ubicado en la parte de abajo del tanque y en el estanque (Ver diagrama Fig. 5).  Cuando el agua llega al fondo del tanque,  fluye hacia el  cubo y desciende a por el tubo, dejando la grasa en la superficie.  Luego el agua sale del tubo hacia la pantalla final y luego hacia el estanque.

Our design is also a constructed wetland, but it is much larger and has a functional settling tank and an outlet that waters a nearby apple tree.  The design we chose was based on the small amount of greywater generated on a weekly basis on site.  In the book "Create an Oasis with Greywater", Art Ludwig provides a source estimation guide.  He approximates that with conservation a kitchen sink will use five gallons of water per day, per person.  This means that with two farmers using the kitchen sink everyday they would produce 70 gallons of water per week.  We also took into consideration volunteers and interns on the farm, and estimated that with one volunteer per day, it would add another 35 gallons a week to the total. In addition we calculated the use of the kitchen by the Community Agriculture class on Friday, and estimated a total of fifteen students.  This adds another 75 gallons of water used per week. Finally we calculated the water needed to wash vegetables during the climax of the season and calculated a total of 20-30 gallons per week.  The grand total of water used at the Arcata Educational Farm equates to approximately 200 gallons of greywater produced per week.  For the amount of water used per week at the farm, a constructed wetland design best fit our project.
[[Image:AEFprevfilt2.jpg|thumb|left|Fig 3: Cleaning out the old tank]]
[[Image:AEFdigmarsh.jpg|thumb|right|Fig 4: Digging out the old marsh]]
After determining the amount of water used on a weekly basis at the farm, and choosing our design, we began to deconstruct the original system and salvaged as much of the bulrush as we could.  The next step was to get rid of the blackwater sitting in the original tank (see Fig 3).  This was a disgusting process, the smell was horrid, I would not wish this upon anyone. Once the blackwater was disposed of, we started to dig the hole for our marsh (see Fig 4).  The hole is five by twelve feet and has a gradual gradient, from 24-30 inches in depth. The hole was dug at a slope so that gravity will move the water through the marsh system (see diagram in Fig 5).  The hole was dug 24-30 inches deep so that the bulrush and cattail roots would be able to grow at their full potential.

Once the hole was dug we used two pieces of pond liner to cover the hole and placed rocks along the outside to hold the pond liner in place (see Fig 6).  Then we installed one and a half baffle systems, which were made of plywood (see Fig 7).  The first baffle system was placed three feet from the inlet pipe, and the half baffle was near the end before the outlet pipe.  The first baffle is flush to the bottom of the marsh and the second baffle sits on bricks.  The last baffle is flush with the bottom of the marsh as well (see diagram in Fig 5).  Getting the baffles to stay in place was a task.  We carved grooves in the wall of the hole and slid the baffles down into the slot. To make this process easier we cut the corners off the bottom ends of the baffles, this helped prevent ripping of the pond liner. Lastly we packed mud around the outside of the baffles, under the pond liner.  This method worked well, making the baffles very solid and secure. 
[[Image:AEFcurrentsystem.jpg|thumb|300px|right|Fig 5: Diagram of new marsh]]
For the initial settling tank we used the same drum, but we cut a foot off the top, to make the holding tank a bit smaller; reason being that holding greywater results in blackwater.  The new settling tank sat a bit higher then the original, leaving almost half of the tank above ground.  For filtration we installed a mesh screen around the top of the tank, which is held in place by a thin, but stiff aluminum strap that we manufactured.  The screen is there to divert food particles and should be empty into the compost when need be(see Fig 8). Inside the tank we constructed a grease trap to keep the grease from entering the marsh. We placed a four gallon bucket upside down, and 3-4 inches over the top of 1 ½ inch vertical pipe.  The vertical pipe in the initial settling tank determines the water line. This pipe runs through a hole (sealed) in the bottom of the tank and into the marsh (see diagram in Fig 5).  When the water enters the tank it sinks to the bottom and flows under the bucket and down through the pipe, leaving the grease on the surface. Then the water flows out of the pipe, through a final screen, and into the marsh.
Image:AEFmarshliner.jpg|Fig 6: Poniendo la el polietileno
Image:AEFmarshliner.jpg|Fig 6: Putting in the pond liner
Image:AEFbaffles.jpg|Fig 7: Poniendo los bafles
Image:AEFbaffles.jpg|Fig 7: Putting in the baffles
Image:AEFcurrentfilter.jpg|Fig 8: Nuevo filtro
Image:AEFcurrentfilter.jpg|Fig 8: New filter
In conclusion, the water enters the system from the kitchen sink and flows through the filtration screen.  Then the grease trap separates the water from the grease and the water finally flows out of the initial settling tank and into the marsh.  Once the water exits the initial drum it flows by gravity over the first baffle, under the second, and over the third. This allows for the water to move across more surface area of the roots, making the water cleaner. Finally, the water flows to the right corner of the marsh, where there is a pipe that directs the water to a nearby apple tree.

[[image:AEFfill.jpg|thumb|300px|left|Fig 9: Filling the baffled marsh with plants and gravel]]

En conclusión, el agua entra al sistema desde el lavabo de la cocina y fluye hacia las mallas de filtración.  Grasa y partículas de comida son separadas y el agua finalmente sale del tanque de reserva inicial hacia el estanque.  Una vez que el agua sale del tanque inicial, desciende por la fuerza de gravedad hacia el primer bafle, el segundo y el tercero.  Esto permite que  el agua se abarque más superficie para regar las raíces, haciendo el agua más limpia.  Finalmente, el agua fluye hacia la esquina derecha del pozo, donde se encuenta un desagüe que dirige agua hacia un árbol de manzana cercano.
== Barriers/Limitations ==

After any project has been completed, the designers and constructors have a chance to step back and learn from the project.  In our case, this is the first greywater system that we have constructed; and because of that fact we have learned from the actual system, people who have looked at the system and each other as well. As a result there are a few ideas that we have come up with if we were to construct this system again.
An ideal result of our treated greywater would be to irrigate the field crops throughout the Arcata Educational Farm.  However in an interest of money as well as the location of the sink used, we were able to water only one apple tree.  One possible method of using the water to irrigate throughout the farm would be to collect the end water result into another tank; we would then be able to connect a hand pump to this tank that would then pump the water through PVC pipe to wherever the water was needed.

[[image:AEFfill.jpg|thumb|300px|left|Fig 9: Llenando el pantano con plantas y grava]]
When designing this greywater marsh, we constructed the system for a certain average flow per weekWe decided to error on the side of caution and make the actual marsh system a little longer and wider then we may have actually neededInstead of using scrap plywood that we found at a home re-model site as our baffles; it would have been nice to find large pieces of plastic that we could cut to size. Plastic would withstand the elements for a longer duration; however we hope that the painted plywood will last for a considerable amount of time.
== Barreras / Limitaciones ==
== Trouble Shooting ==
Después que se ha completado un proyecto, los diseñadores tienen la oportunidad de retroceder y aprender del proyecto. En nuestro cas,  es la primera vez que construimos un sistema de reciclaje de aguas grises, por esta razón hemos aprendido del sistema actual, de la gente que vio este sistema y ha visto otros sistemas también. Como resultado han surgido algunas ideas que se adicionarían si fuéramos a construir este sistema otra vez. Un uso ideal para el sistema de tratamiento de aguas grises seria el regar cultivos a lo largo del ARCATA EDUCATIONAL FARM.  Sin embargo, por intereses económicos y por la locación del lavabo solo pudimos  regar un árbol de manzana.  Una forma con la cual se podría irrigar los cultivos seria almacenando en otro tanque el agua resultante, luego se podría conectar una bomba de mano a este tanque y bombear el agua por tubos de PVC hacia donde sea necesaria.
Cuando diseñamos el estanque de aguas grises, construimos un sistema con capacidad para un fluido promedio  semanal determinado.  Fuimos cautelosos e hicimos el estanque un poco más grande de lo que se necesitaba.  En lugar de usar la madera contrachapada para hacer los bafles, hubiera sido bueno utilizar pedazos de plástico y cortarlos del tamaño deseado. El plástico resiste por más tiempo, de todas formas la maderera durara por una cantidad de tiempo considerable.
== Solucion de problemas ==
El sistema se diseño para que sea muy fácil para el usuario. Se debe limpiar la malla de filtración ocasionalmente y el exceso de residuos puede utilizarse como compost. Si por alguna razón el agua fluye desde el tanque de reserva hacia el estanque, se deberá chequear y desarmar la pantalla en el tubo que lleva el agua al estanque, si esto no resuelve el problema se deberá revisar el otro tuvo que lleva el agua del estanque hacia el árbol.
== Proyecto Actualizado: Un año después ==
Un año después, Primavera del 2006, el sistema sigue funcionando.
*El viejo filtro de la figura 8 ha sido reemplazado por un filtro de metal (Fig. 10).  El nuevo filtro dura resiste  por más tiempo  las inclemencias del tiempo y el uso que la malla de fibra.

*El sistema atrapa grasas que se muestra en la figura 11, esta funcionado bien, solo hay un pequeño problema, el tanque que pusimos bocabajo está torcido y deja pasar algo de grasa hacia el estanque. Esta inclinación es  causada por la diferencia en la presión, algo similar a poner un vaso bocabajo dentro de un recipiente lleno de agua.  Para corregir este problema se puede construir un pequeño monte o se puede hacer un hueco en el tanque para permitir el paso del aire.  
This system is designed extremely user friendly.  Occasionally the screen lid will need to be scraped off, and the excess scraps can be placed on a compost pile. If for some reason the water is not draining out of the settling tank and into the marsh, it would be a good idea to check and unclog the screen on the inlet pipe that feeds into the marshIf this does not solve the problem, there is also a screen on the outlet pipe that transfers the water to the apple tree.

*Aunque es muy temprano para decirlo, hasta ahora los bafles de madera reciclada no se han danado.  Ver la sección de Barreras  / limitaciones.
==Project Update: 1 Year Later ==
*Los grajeros removieron un poco de las plantas esta semana (vere Figura 12.) porque el sistema se estaba comenzando a plagarse y corría riesgo de [[eutrophication|eutroficacion]].
En general, el sistema parece estar en buen estado, sin olor a putrefacción anaeróbica.  Las plantas del pantano y el árbol de manzana están  creciendo como se puede ver en la figura 13.

One year later, Spring 2006, and this system seems to be thriving. 
*The old filter shown in Fig 8 has been replaced by a metal filter as shown in Fig 10.  This new filter will hold up to the elements and use for much longer than the previous fabric mesh filter. 
*The innovative grease trap shown in Fig 11 is working well, with one small problem: the upside-down 5-gallon bucket is tilting and allowing some grease to pass into the marsh.  This tilting is caused by a pressure difference similar to attempting to push an upside-down glass into a basin of water.  To correct for this tilting, a stronger mount may be constructed or a small hole may be drilled into the 5 gallon bucket to allow for air to pass. 
*Although it is too early to tell, currently the recycled wood baffles are not showing the signs of decay worried about in the Barriers/Limitations section.
*The farmers removed some of the cattail and bulrush this season (see Fig 12), as the system was starting to get overrun and risking [[eutrophication]]. 

Overall the system seems to be in great health, with no smell of anaerobic decay detected and strong marsh plant and recipient apple tree growth seen in Fig 13.

Image:AEFgreywaterFilterSpr06.JPG|Fig 10: Nuevo filtro de matal.  
Image:AEFgreywaterFilterSpr06.JPG|Fig 10: New metal screen for filter.
Image:AEFgreywaterTrapSpr06.JPG|Fig 11: Trampa de grasa con un poqueno problema de inclinacion.  
Image:AEFgreywaterTrapSpr06.JPG|Fig 11: Grease trap with a small tilting problems.
Image:AEFgreywaterPlantsSpr06.JPG|Fig 12: Nuevas plantas.
Image:AEFgreywaterPlantsSpr06.JPG|Fig 12: New green shoots and brown, senesced, cutback.
[[Image:AEFgreywaterTreeSpr06.JPG|frame|right|Fig 13: El sitema y su arbol.]]
[[Image:AEFgreywaterTreeSpr06.JPG|frame|right|Fig 13: The system and its tree.]]

[[Category:Arcata Educational Farm]]
[[Category:Arcata Educational Farm]]
[[Category:Constructed wetlands]]
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Revision as of 18:01, 10 August 2009

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The new and improved Marsh

For our final project we rebuilt a greywater system at the CSA, Arcata Educational Farm. Greywater consists of all used water produced at a particular site, except for water coming from the toilet, which is known as blackwater. When building a greywater system you first separate the greywater from the blackwater and send the greywater through a separate treatment system. Ideally, after the greywater passes through the purification process it will then be able to be reused. Greywater systems are an appropriate use of technology for many reasons. Some of them being: they reduce the use of fresh water, there is less stress on existing more conventional septic tanks, it is a highly effective purification process, and there is less chemical and energy use required. In our case the majority of water used on the farm is to water vegetables, herbs, flowers and fruits, and the source of greywater comes from the outdoor kitchen, used by the farmers and volunteers to cook and wash vegetables or dishes.

The original system

Fig 1: Previous marsh flow diagram
Fig 2: Previous marsh settling tank

The original system was a constructed wetland with an initial settling tank that had no existing grease trap or filtration system. The initial settling tank was a 55 gallon drum, which sat entirely underground. The water came straight from the kitchen sink and into the drum. When the water reached the top of the drum it would flow out a funnel, and into the marsh. The marsh was a five by ten foot rectangular pond and was approximately 4-6 inches in depth. The waterproof membrane was made of pond liner and was filled with pea gravel and bulrush. In this particular system the water was not reused, it was simply directed out of the right corner at the end of the marsh. It was not clear to us when we were deconstructing the marsh why there was a settling tank to begin with, because it seemed that a pipe going directly into the marsh would have had the same effect. We identified some major flaws in the original design: the initial settling tank was ineffective, because there was no grease trap; there was no filtration system to eliminate larger food particles from entering the wetland; and the drum simply acted as a holding tank, which is a serious mistake because when greywater is held stagnant it turns into blackwater. Moreover, the wetland was too shallow, causing the water to overflow when large amounts of water were introduced to the system, and there were no existing baffles, to help move and filter the water over the roots of the plants.

The new Greywater marsh: design, method, and materials

Our design is also a constructed wetland, but it is much larger and has a functional settling tank and an outlet that waters a nearby apple tree. The design we chose was based on the small amount of greywater generated on a weekly basis on site. In the book "Create an Oasis with Greywater", Art Ludwig provides a source estimation guide. He approximates that with conservation a kitchen sink will use five gallons of water per day, per person. This means that with two farmers using the kitchen sink everyday they would produce 70 gallons of water per week. We also took into consideration volunteers and interns on the farm, and estimated that with one volunteer per day, it would add another 35 gallons a week to the total. In addition we calculated the use of the kitchen by the Community Agriculture class on Friday, and estimated a total of fifteen students. This adds another 75 gallons of water used per week. Finally we calculated the water needed to wash vegetables during the climax of the season and calculated a total of 20-30 gallons per week. The grand total of water used at the Arcata Educational Farm equates to approximately 200 gallons of greywater produced per week. For the amount of water used per week at the farm, a constructed wetland design best fit our project.

Fig 3: Cleaning out the old tank
Fig 4: Digging out the old marsh

After determining the amount of water used on a weekly basis at the farm, and choosing our design, we began to deconstruct the original system and salvaged as much of the bulrush as we could. The next step was to get rid of the blackwater sitting in the original tank (see Fig 3). This was a disgusting process, the smell was horrid, I would not wish this upon anyone. Once the blackwater was disposed of, we started to dig the hole for our marsh (see Fig 4). The hole is five by twelve feet and has a gradual gradient, from 24-30 inches in depth. The hole was dug at a slope so that gravity will move the water through the marsh system (see diagram in Fig 5). The hole was dug 24-30 inches deep so that the bulrush and cattail roots would be able to grow at their full potential.

Once the hole was dug we used two pieces of pond liner to cover the hole and placed rocks along the outside to hold the pond liner in place (see Fig 6). Then we installed one and a half baffle systems, which were made of plywood (see Fig 7). The first baffle system was placed three feet from the inlet pipe, and the half baffle was near the end before the outlet pipe. The first baffle is flush to the bottom of the marsh and the second baffle sits on bricks. The last baffle is flush with the bottom of the marsh as well (see diagram in Fig 5). Getting the baffles to stay in place was a task. We carved grooves in the wall of the hole and slid the baffles down into the slot. To make this process easier we cut the corners off the bottom ends of the baffles, this helped prevent ripping of the pond liner. Lastly we packed mud around the outside of the baffles, under the pond liner. This method worked well, making the baffles very solid and secure.

Fig 5: Diagram of new marsh

For the initial settling tank we used the same drum, but we cut a foot off the top, to make the holding tank a bit smaller; reason being that holding greywater results in blackwater. The new settling tank sat a bit higher then the original, leaving almost half of the tank above ground. For filtration we installed a mesh screen around the top of the tank, which is held in place by a thin, but stiff aluminum strap that we manufactured. The screen is there to divert food particles and should be empty into the compost when need be(see Fig 8). Inside the tank we constructed a grease trap to keep the grease from entering the marsh. We placed a four gallon bucket upside down, and 3-4 inches over the top of 1 ½ inch vertical pipe. The vertical pipe in the initial settling tank determines the water line. This pipe runs through a hole (sealed) in the bottom of the tank and into the marsh (see diagram in Fig 5). When the water enters the tank it sinks to the bottom and flows under the bucket and down through the pipe, leaving the grease on the surface. Then the water flows out of the pipe, through a final screen, and into the marsh.

In conclusion, the water enters the system from the kitchen sink and flows through the filtration screen. Then the grease trap separates the water from the grease and the water finally flows out of the initial settling tank and into the marsh. Once the water exits the initial drum it flows by gravity over the first baffle, under the second, and over the third. This allows for the water to move across more surface area of the roots, making the water cleaner. Finally, the water flows to the right corner of the marsh, where there is a pipe that directs the water to a nearby apple tree.

Fig 9: Filling the baffled marsh with plants and gravel


After any project has been completed, the designers and constructors have a chance to step back and learn from the project. In our case, this is the first greywater system that we have constructed; and because of that fact we have learned from the actual system, people who have looked at the system and each other as well. As a result there are a few ideas that we have come up with if we were to construct this system again. An ideal result of our treated greywater would be to irrigate the field crops throughout the Arcata Educational Farm. However in an interest of money as well as the location of the sink used, we were able to water only one apple tree. One possible method of using the water to irrigate throughout the farm would be to collect the end water result into another tank; we would then be able to connect a hand pump to this tank that would then pump the water through PVC pipe to wherever the water was needed.

When designing this greywater marsh, we constructed the system for a certain average flow per week. We decided to error on the side of caution and make the actual marsh system a little longer and wider then we may have actually needed. Instead of using scrap plywood that we found at a home re-model site as our baffles; it would have been nice to find large pieces of plastic that we could cut to size. Plastic would withstand the elements for a longer duration; however we hope that the painted plywood will last for a considerable amount of time.

Trouble Shooting

This system is designed extremely user friendly. Occasionally the screen lid will need to be scraped off, and the excess scraps can be placed on a compost pile. If for some reason the water is not draining out of the settling tank and into the marsh, it would be a good idea to check and unclog the screen on the inlet pipe that feeds into the marsh. If this does not solve the problem, there is also a screen on the outlet pipe that transfers the water to the apple tree.

Project Update: 1 Year Later

One year later, Spring 2006, and this system seems to be thriving.

  • The old filter shown in Fig 8 has been replaced by a metal filter as shown in Fig 10. This new filter will hold up to the elements and use for much longer than the previous fabric mesh filter.
  • The innovative grease trap shown in Fig 11 is working well, with one small problem: the upside-down 5-gallon bucket is tilting and allowing some grease to pass into the marsh. This tilting is caused by a pressure difference similar to attempting to push an upside-down glass into a basin of water. To correct for this tilting, a stronger mount may be constructed or a small hole may be drilled into the 5 gallon bucket to allow for air to pass.
  • Although it is too early to tell, currently the recycled wood baffles are not showing the signs of decay worried about in the Barriers/Limitations section.
  • The farmers removed some of the cattail and bulrush this season (see Fig 12), as the system was starting to get overrun and risking eutrophication.

Overall the system seems to be in great health, with no smell of anaerobic decay detected and strong marsh plant and recipient apple tree growth seen in Fig 13.

Fig 13: The system and its tree.
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