Personal information[edit | edit source]

I graduated from Mount Allison University, Sackville, New Brunswick in April 2009 and started my Master program in Mechanical Engineering at Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario in May 2009. I love geometry, traveling, reading cookbooks, historical fiction and novels. All in all, anything slow, flexbile and relaxing.

During my time at Queen's I aspire to build up my engineering knowledge and gain experience in renewable energy systems. I am interested in solar, wind and bio energy - hopefully by the level of PhD I can be more specific. My dream is to help develop the electricity industry of Vietnam in a more decentralized and greener way.

Industrial symbiosis[edit | edit source]

"Uncovering" Industrial Symbiosis - MR Chertow - Journal of Cleaner Production 2007 [1]

Industrial Symbiosis in Kalundborg, Denmark: A Quantitative Assessment of Economic and Environmental Aspects - NB Jacobsen - Journal of Industrial Ecology, 2006 [2]

Evaluation Methodologies to Measure Performance of Eco-industrial Development Initiatives - PMA Agarwal, P Strachan [3]

Industrial symbiosis of very large scale PV manufacturing - JM Pearce - Renewable Energy 2008 [4]

A regional Industrial Symbiosis methodology and its implementation in Geneva, Switzerland - G Massard, S Erkman, A Building - [5]

Industrial ecosystem at the Metropolitan level - J Kincaid, M Overcash - Journal of Industrial Ecology, 2001 [6]

The industrial region as a promising unit for eco industrial development - reflections, practical experience and establishment of innovative instruments to support industrial cology - T Sterr, T Ott - Journal of Cleaner Production, 2004 [7]

Most papers stop after conceptualizing an information exchange interface to facilitate industrial symbiosis, mentioning the feeding of a database/ waste analyzer (which by the way we have available) into a GIS programme and at best indicate benefits of one such model's existence. For more technically inclined readers, Blom, M. [8] "Masters of Science Thesis: Investigating the Spatial Variation of Renewable Energy Potential in the UK" City University, London (September, 2008) and Plancherel, A. [9] "Valorisation des SIG pour la detection de synergies éco-industrielles" Master of Science thesis presented for Swiss Institute of Technology / University of Lausanne (2006) are potentially suitable.

Modeling radiation and PV yield estimates[edit | edit source]

Cebecauer T., Huld T., Šúri M.: Using high-resolution digital elevation model for improved PV yield estimates Taking the case study of global horizontal radiation measurement at Davos, Switzerland it was demonstrated that a resolution of 100m could improve simulation result (using r.sun command of GRASS GIS) by 3.9% while a decrease from 100m to 3000m in resolution lead to overestimates. This paper explained my determination to clean up and make use of the 90m resolution images of Southeastern Ontario.

Daniel W. McKenney, Sophie Pelland, Yves Poissant, Robert Morris, Michael Hutchison, Pia Papadopol, Kevin Lawrence, Kathy Campbell: Spatial insolation models for photovoltaic energy in Canada and Sophie Pelland, Daniel W. McKenney, Yves Poissant, Robert Morris, Kevin Lawrence, Kathy Campbell and Pia Papadopol: The development of photovoltaic resource maps for Canada describe the attempts to assess photovoltaic electricity generation potential of Canada, especially when there are no such radiation maps/ models for that purpose to date ([10]). The latter goes into more detail about how the maps were produced using the ANUSPLIN package and error estimates. Here only grid connected systems without batteries are considered with a system efficiency of 0.75.

Hofierka J., Šúri M.: The solar radiation model for Open source GIS: implementation and applications offers a nice overview of historical approaches in generating solar spatial databse and give resources for further reading.

Klemen Z., T. Podobnikar, K. Ostir: Solar radiation modeling presents an attempt to model insolation for Slovenia. A physical model of quasiglobal radiation, where quasiglobal radiation energy is defined as the amount of energy that is received by random inclined surface in specific time interval, was run on Matlab. Input data include astronomical, surface and climate data. Due to the small size of Slovenia (20,273 km2) a 25m resolution DEM was used, which resulted in computations for more than 48 million cells but which helped integrate the very rough relief of the country. The algorithm is deemed to be suitable for long term forecast over large areas.

Marcel Šúri, Ewan D. Dunlop, Arwyn R. Jones: GIS-BASED INVENTORY OF THE POTENTIAL PHOTOVOLTAIC OUTPUT IN CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE. This paper focuses on residential potential PV yield assuming the theoretical installation of one 1.5 kWp roof-installed PV system per 1 km2 of the residential area with a system efficiency of 0.75. The same overview of the Muneer model [11], for diffuse radiation on inclined surface is given here as with the above three papers. The concern here is that the solar model that r.sun is based on was not derived from and therefore non-specific for Canada and 'models can only be proven as good as the data' ([12]).

Along the same line of application Monedero, Garcia, Dobon, Yanes and Hernandez: Calculations of PV maps on Canary Islandswent further to estimate global raidation on an inclined collecting plate and used ambient air temperature to evaluate performance of the system.

M.Muselli, G. Notton, P.Poggi, A. Louche: Computer aided analusis of the integration of renewable energy systems in remote areas using a geographical information system recognizes the utility of GIS incoporated with solar irradiance data in the evaluation of the real benefits of renewable energy systems, in particular PV systems, for an energy market. Based on a case study in southern Corsica, France, the paper presents an elaborate methodology of what would shortly follow the selection of suitable sites for solar farms. A remote site is perceived as one that is more than 500m away from the grid. The solar potential was estimated outside a GIS platform, which was then integrated with GIS data on landuse suitability. The methodology focuses on the estimation of electricity production cost, identification of the optimal system (PV/ battery, PV/ hybrid, motor generator, stand alone with grid extension) for each site and the technical and economical analysis for local supplier. It was found that regardless of the load profile PV hybrid systems are the most competitive. Such a detail study was made possible with the availability of data down to multiple levels of voltage lines, transformer locations.

Suri, Huld and Dunlop: Regional differences in the PV electricity production in EU25 countriessuggested expanding the base maps generated from the procedure in [13] into (1) The expected average annual electricity generation of a grid-connected 1kWp PV system with a performance ratio of 0.75; (2) the potential PV electricity generation based on 1 MWp capacity per square kilometer in built-up areas; (3) determination of installed capacity for each country to supply 1% of the national electricity consumption from PV.

T. A. Huld, M. Šúri, E. D. Dunlop: GIS-BASED ESTIMATION OF SOLAR RADIATION AND PV GENERATION IN CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE ON THE WEB and Marcel Šúri, Thomas A. Hulda, Ewan D. Dunlopa, and Heinz A. Ossenbrinka, 2006: Potential of solar electricity generation in the European Union member states and candidate countries describe in more detail the application in different scales of the model. What was not mentioned in these papers is that the format of input raster for the package is ascii, which would be seen as a very common format for an output file of a solar radiation model. In fact although there are plenty of formats a raster dataset can take, r.sun only works well with an ascii raster.

T.A. Huld, M. Suri, E.D. Dunlop, M. Albuisson, L. Wald: Integration of Helioclim I databse into PV GIS to estimate solar electricity potential in Africaextends the application of r.sun to Africa and the Mediterranean Basin. Once the daily global horizontal irradiance was calculated the electricity generation for a typical solar home system (100W peak power with battery and battery charger, 0.75 performace ratio) was estimated. It is between 0.3 and 0.6 kWh/ day for most locations in Africa.

Mapping resources for energy modeling purposes[edit | edit source]








Articles of general interest in the theme of sustainability/ sustainable development[edit | edit source]

Do we have to outgrow growth with a priceless quotation from John Stuart Mill


Can biotech food cure world hunger

Rare earths are mined unsustainably in China

To save the planet, save the sea

Growing vertical in Portland







Lessons from the Spanish government's feed in tariff schedules

Parents halp reduce landfill from used school lunch trays

Articles about sustainability in Vietnam (to be translated when I have time)[edit | edit source]

Hanoi plans for a biological urban center

Why can't Vietnam pursue wind power

Afforest to recreate national resources

Vietnam's first bio-fuel plant

Worst case scenario: Hochiminh City is going to disappear completely by 2050

new prices for fresh water in Hanoi

the series of projects on island electricity generation

the program of solar water heating



Municipal governments are incapable of dealing with urban floods

The culprit for flood following Parma hurricane in Vietnam

Why Vietnam should not pursue nuclear generated electricity?


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