Energy[edit | edit source]
- Energy auditing
- Batteries • Electric lighting[2] • Fuel cells
- Grid intertie • Microcapicitors
- Human power[3] Pedal power
- Microhydro • Photovoltaic
- Solar pumping • Solar vaccine refrigeration
- Wave power • Wind power
- Cookers Solar
- Hydronic radiant heating
- Insulation Strawbale • Fiber board • Fiberglass
- Passive solar design • Refrigeration
- Solar hotwater< • Thermal mass • Thermodynamics
- Biodiesel • Biogas • Ethanol • Hydrogen
(Legacy categories)
Renewable energy
References[edit | edit source]
- ↑ there's some inconsistency here. A mix between sources of energy and forms of energy. Sources may be: human, animal, wind, water, solar, etc. Forms might be mechanical, thermal, electrical, light, etc. We have human and wind under electrical, but windmills can be used for, yep, mills, or for pumping, with no electricity involved. Solution? A more complete subcategorization by energy form, or by source, or possibly both
- ↑ Highlights the categorization problem. Need a "lighting" section
- ↑ Subcategories may not be needed
- ↑ Category:Biofuel already exists...