Nombre: Baron Creager
Teléfono en Santo Domingo: 8098404983
Dirección en Santo Domingo: Gazcue

Intereses en Tecnología Apropiada[edit | edit source]

  • Energia
  • Construccion

Experencia en Tecnología Apropiada[edit | edit source]

  • ingeniería de los recursos del medio ambiente
  • ingeniería 215

"The function of music is to release us from the tyranny of conscious thought." -Sir Thomas Beecham

I am a student at Cal Poly Humboldt in Arcata, California. I'm originally from Tulsa, Oklahoma. I came here for the Environmental Resource Engineering degree and the amazing environment. I love the outdoors and music. I really enjoy this major and I'm looking forward to the jobs after I graduate.

Interests in Engineering[edit | edit source]

Architectural Design ( Green Buildings, Recycled materials, etc.)

Oceanography ( Wave energy, pollution, etc.)

Music Design ( Energy efficient speakers, designing stages/music equipment, etc.)

Portfolio[edit | edit source]

  • For Engineering 215, my group and I, Team Excergy, designed a replication of a railroad hand pump trolley and converted its mechanical components to create an power generator, The Pump'n Power Flock House Handcar Generator.
  • This is the document we created while designing our generator: Pump'n Power
  • This Gantt Chart shows a sample of our project planning process.
  • This is a sample of an Auto CAD Drawing of our final design.
  • This is a Sample Memo that I made to turn in with a document.
  • This is a Cost Spread Sheet]for our design.
Final design of Pump'n Power w/ Team Excergy
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Experience in Engineering[edit | edit source]

Project Lead the Way (PLTW) Pre-Engineering program taken from grades 9-12 (9 and 10th grades: Intro to Engineering 1&2)

Concurrent enrollment with PLTW at Tulsa Technology Center grades 11 and 12 ( Digital Electronics, Architecture/Civil, Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM)

Auto Cad, 3d Printer, Green Design, RoboPro, Revit, Breadboard Companion, Fortran Code, MatLab, etc.

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