Pulse Oximetry Probe
Problem being addressed[edit | edit source]
Deficiency of iron can restrict the transport of oxygen in the blood. This can cause birth asphyxia, affecting 40-60% of children ages 6-24 months in low-resource settings. Detecting low oxygen levels in patients when it is too late can permanently impede cognitive development, cause organ failure, or even death.
Detailed description of the solution[edit | edit source]
This durable, low-cost pulse oximetry probe is placed on a thin part of the patient's body (fingertip, earlobe) or on the foot of an infant. It's oximeter measures the saturation of oxygen in the blood of newborns, sick children, and mothers undergoing cesarean sections. The device's power is derived via a "wind-up" mechanism, so it can be used anywhere away from electrical power sources.
Designed by[edit | edit source]
- Designed by: Power-Free Education and Technology, lead by John Wyatt
- Manufacturer (if different):
- Manufacturer location: South Africa
When and where it was tested/implemented[edit | edit source]
South Africa, United Kingdom, 2011
Funding Source[edit | edit source]
Recipient of Grand Challenges Exploration Grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
References[edit | edit source]
Peer-reviewed publication[edit | edit source]
Other internally generated reports[edit | edit source]
Externally generated reports[edit | edit source]
Grand Challenges in Global Health. (2013). Low-cost pulse oximetry probes for low resource settings. Retrieved December 1, 2013 from here.
Maternal and Neonatal Directed Assessment of Technology (2011). Description of oximetry probe. Retrieved December 1, 2013 from here.