Permaculture Association of Western Australia
The Permaculture Association of Western Australia Inc (Permaculture West) is a not-for-profit incorporated association that aims to help people learn and apply permaculture in their lives. The Association provides an opportunity for members to obtain information and build the skills required to implement permaculture designs by:
- Disseminating permaculture information and resources.
- Promoting the design and construction of permaculture systems.
- Providing opportunities for interested people to meet.
- Seeking contact with any other related groups.
Mission and Objectives[edit | edit source]
Mission statement[edit | edit source]
PermacultureWest is the state support group for a decentralised movement of local permaculture groups. We encourage local groups to cooperate and help them to learn self-organising skills. Our intent is to build local and regional resilience through permaculture promotion, design and doings."
Agreed Objectives for 2015[edit | edit source]
- To support workshops at local group level on permaculture principles
- To have quarterly E-news that disseminates collated articles about activities of local groups, resources, events and contact details
- To collate and display information about permaculture principles and groups in Western Australia on PW website and Facebook
- To respond to direct contact within 3 days
- To encourage groups and members to generate articles and resources for e-news, Facebook and PW website
- To make appropriate insurance available for permaculture activities
- To promote and support the establishment of new local permaculture groups
- To have a PW stall at a few big, relevant festivals
- To have fun and make friends
- To increase our own group effectiveness skills.
Concrete projects (not in order of priorities)[edit | edit source]
- International Permaculture Day: 3 May 2015
- Progress seedsavers grant
- APC13: October 2016 (Thirteenth Australian Permaculture Convergence - National event to be held in Perth in 2016)
- To rewrite the PW constitution
- To clarify what PW offers to all members
- To rekindle Enews
History[edit | edit source]
The First 10 Years (1978 - 1988)[edit | edit source]
This is unedited from the Western Permaculture Manual publication.
Permaculture became well known in WA as the result of Australia-wide publicity from Bill Mollison. During 1978, Denis McCarthy advertised that a group was being formed to follow through on the ideas being put forward by Bill Mollison, and eventually enough people came together to form a group. This group soon formalized itself as PAWA (Permaculture Association of Western Australia), and the first newsletter was published in November 1978.
Right from the beginning, PAWA was an association. It was a coming together of people with a common interest for mutual benefit. This theme was dominated PAWA ever since. As a result, the activities of the association have largely been to allow members to gain more information about Permaculture and to gain access to resources. All the major activities of PAWA were set up in the first year or so and have remained more or less unchanged. These are:
- The holding of monthly meetings with a speaker on some subject relevant to Permaculture, with very little business or promotion of activities outside of PAWA.
- The holding of regular field days. Field days have allowed members to see practical things, but more importantly they have given rise to a lot of enthusiasm because of the exchange of ideas and information.
- The provision of a free library for the use of members.
- The running of a free seedbank based entirely on mutual exchange of seeds between members and others around the country.
- The publishing of a magazine and news sheet.
In the early days there was a great deal of interest as the result of the publicity generated by Bill Mollison, and the membership of PAWA reached a peak of about 250. A lot of publicity was also gained from promotional activities at a series of Down to Earth Concerts. Since then there has never been quite as much interest or publicity, and the membership has never reached those levels. PAWA soon settled down to a steady existence carrying out its basic functions in much the same way despite a constant change of people.
Field days have always been the single most popular activity, and the record attendance at a field day was 130 people. The magazine has also been of great value over the years. This mainly comes from the fact that the magazine has always had the policy that articles should be original local material and not reprints from other sources. Meetings and field days have been written up in detail so that members outside Perth and others who cannot be present can gain from them. In this way the magazine has served as the main contact between many members, particularly in rural areas.
After a number of years PAWA became incorporated, and there has been several attempts to set up branches out of Perth. These rural branches have always had trouble finding sufficient people to form a viable group, and none has survived more than a few years.
Looking at PAWA today, it is remarkable how little it has changed over 10 years. It has been content to provide the same services to its members and in much the same way. There is nothing wrong with this, but the penalty has been that there has not been a lot of publicity to the public and consequently little general knowledge about even the existence of Permaculture and PAWA. This does not mean that a lot of people have not learnt a lot and had a good time. Quite the opposite.
- Ray Hart (PAWA Convenor, 1978 and 1988)
The Nineties (1988 to 1998)[edit | edit source]
January 1988 saw a new step in the evolution of the Association, which continued to a peak in 1996, when the Association hosted the sixth International Permaculture Convergence (IPC6).
In January 1988 there was a weekend workshop at the UWA Summer School, and this led to the first Certificate Program in December that year. Picking up on a talk by David Bellamy about Ethical Investment, and the earlier work of the Earthbank Society, a number of members became involved in what became the first ethical investment company in Australia, which is now the very successful Australian Ethical. The Permaculture Demonstration garden established at Bentley TAFE by Miles Durand became a focal point for many Introduction to Permaculture courses over the next eight years. Many of the forty Introduction Courses occurred shortly after major PR events around the screening of Mollison's two television programs (In Grave Danger of Falling Food and then the series of The Global Gardener), or his visit to WA in 1993, with each burst of PR and courses creating a surge of interest and new recruits for PAWA.
We had to change venues to accommodate increasing attendances at monthly meetings; The Peninsula Hotel in Maylands and the Odd Fellows Hall in Bayswater saw many crowds of over 200. Membership reached as high as 1500, and the newsletter continued to provide a valuable link between members.
Many PAWA members were involved in PIWA, mainly running Certificate Courses, mainly at Bentley, but also at the new demonstration sites at North Fremantle, and Murdoch, and also in Denmark, Albany, and Nannup. Between 1988 and 1996 there were around thirty Certificate programs conducted, all resulting in detailed designs for urban and rural sites, and many visits to great examples of Permaculture principles and design.
Gerald Shepperson led a dedicated crew who collated, folded, labeled and distributed distributed the monthly magazines to members. Ken Newman did a fantastic job of holding the finances together, and Peter Austin edited the newsletters. Others took on responsibilities for meetings, field days, and the seed bank, and we even had a quiz night!
In 1995 we started talking about whether we could host IPC6. Huge efforts by a great number of people, led by Pat Dare, organised a very successful conference at the Swan College. Keynote speakers included Bill Mollison, Alan Savory, Prof. George Chan and Ron Watkins. Permaculturists from all over WA and over East came to talk about their work, and results, and contributed to the huge exchange of information. Many international participants either came early to attend a certificate course, or attended workshops and projects afterwards. Peter Austin, with the help of Pat Scott and many others, did a huge job in compiling the papers for the conference, which are still sought after, fifteen years later.
Probably the fitting reward for all of this work (and that of many other Australians working around the world) was the awarding of the International Banksia Award to the Permaculture Movement. Here Miles Durand holds the award, which came to WA for a period, before it was transferred to Adelaide for a National Convergence. If anyone knows its present location, could they let us know please?
- Warwick Rowell