This is a list of current open hardware licenses. This table is ported from this Open Hardware Licenses report.

TAPR OHL (v.1.0) CERN OHL (v.1.2) CERN OHL-S (v.2.0) CERN OHL-W (v.2.0) CERN OHL-P (v.2.0) TDPL (v. 1.2) Solderpad (v. 2.0)
Allows proprietary derivatives No No No No Yes No Yes
Allows unmodified redistribution Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Allows combination with proprietary designs No? No? No Yes Yes No? Yes
Allows redistribution under a different licence No No No No Yes No Yes
Allows changing the text of the licence No No No No No No Yes
Requires notifying changes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Requires providing the location for the documentation Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes
Requires providing a copy of the licence Yes Yes Recommended Recommended Recommended, required if redistributing under a different licence Yes Yes
Requires contacting upstream licensor when distributing modified documentation Best effort attempt No No No No No No
Requires contacting the upstream licensor when producing and distributing products Best effort attempt Optional No No No No No
Requires including the old files with the new, modified files in the documentation Yes No No No No No No
Requires copyright notice to be kept in documentation files Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Requires Notices to be accessible to those who receive products Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No?
Grants non-exclusive patent licence Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Extends patent litigation immunity to owners of OH-based products Yes No No No No Yes No
Includes patent retaliation clause in event of litigation No No Yes Yes Yes No Yes
Includes grace period for bringing the infringing party into compliance No No Yes Yes N/A No No
Grants trademark licence No No No No No No No
Provides no warranty or guarantee of fitness for any use or purpose Yes, but with one exception Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
FA info icon.svg Angle down icon.svg Page data
Authors Luis Felipe Murillo, Pietari Kauttu, Laia Pujol Priego, Andrew Katz, Jonathan Wareham
License CC-BY-SA-4.0
Ported from (original)
Language English (en)
Related 0 subpages, 5 pages link here
Impact 157 page views (more)
Created December 4, 2020 by Joshua M. Pearce
Last modified July 13, 2023 by StandardWikitext bot
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