Open Sustainability Network/Pre-Meeting
Pre-Meeting[edit | edit source]
Hi everybody,
As you might know I am working besides my studies to promote collaboration between wiki that works for sustainability and green causes.
I start with Ekopedia, got in contact with Green Wikia, Appropedia and many others. You can find a list at Site list for Sustainability Wiki Search
They don't always know each others... They are sometimes afraid to loose their identity in any kind of co-creation... However they are all motivated and passionated wishing to improve the world.
Through my studies I learn facilitation and a basis of my formation is learning by doing so what I propose to you is to try a Skype meeting to generate/co-create a better/some collaboration... Why a Skype meeting? Because we're are all around the world and I don't have the resource to invite all of you at my apartment for a meeting. Skype seems a good way to collaborate and skip space issue. It will be a challenge (for me at least) to facilitate this Skype conference but I believe that it can be fruitful.
Here is a tools to find a date... I propose to do that end of August, before I will be farming in Belgium with my best friend. So just follow the link and let me know your availabilities.
I would like also some feed(-back) forward... What do you think about this initiative? What would be your expectations from it? What are your position toward "your" wiki (time-role-...). See you soon
-- Olivier Chaput KaosPilot Team 1 Rotterdam