Jos Lichtenberg
- principle problem is solved, but after a year the victims are a forgotten group.
- in the transition phase we need solutions - hence this symposium.
- linking supply (of solutions) with demand (aid agencies etc.)
Ton Huijzer
- we go from disaster to disaster
- we hardly ever get a chance to think about what to do next
- it's new for us to work with so many different kinds of partners
- more disasters, more victims - how to react, how to be prepared, particularly for large disasters
- pakistan earthquake
- not enough tents, materials didn't reach, problems with quality and quantity (summer tents, not so good.)
- logistical nightmare
- new solutions - wood, corrugated iron
- new approach to disaster relief
- NL red cross support intl red cross in three areas:
- collaboration
- knowledge sharing
- innovation
- testing cardboard box shelters in pakistan, chad
- developing sheltering standards for worldwide use