With the green lifestyle on the rise all around the globe, it is no wonder that we see green living companies starting to pop up everywhere. Social media outlets are important tools when enhancing a Green Living company, they provide a space where companies can directly connect with customers. Not only does the company get to connect with the customers, social media allows for an interactive relationship, where the customer also gets to connect with the company. This is a new type of promotion that if used properly can be very beneficial for a green living company.
STEP 1: Go Social[edit | edit source]
This step may seem a little obvious, but in order for a company to use social media, they have to join social media sites. To begin with it is a smart idea to join the top social websites available to the company.
A good resource for figuring which sites are globally ranked the highest is alexa.com.[1]
This site will let people looks up web site ranking for countries and specific regions. It will also let people search for specific types of websites such as green living or social media sites.
STEP 2: Get Specific[edit | edit source]
After joining the very large social web sites it is also crucial for a company to get specific and join sites that are related to green living. Go beyond just looking at green living niche sites, other resources that relate to green living exist. Many sites have green living sections. For example, the popular question forum Yahoo Answers[2] is not specifically made for green living, however they have many questions that are posted from all over the world that have to do with green living. So a green living company can create a profile and answer all the questions they can about green living.
STEP 3: Look in Unusual Places[edit | edit source]
As step two stated, there are many places on the internet that can be used to promote and enhance a green living company, but sometimes they are not where you think they are. A good idea is to think outside just micro blogging to find places like this. Some ideas include: video hosting sites, Blogging sites, Wikis, and Do It Yourself Forums. These places have plenty of niches that fit within the green living category.
Another habit to use is not only looking for one term specifically. Many alternative terms are used such as "eco-friendly" versus "earth conscious". This can also be company specific. If a company specializes in green cleaning products, than use those as key words too, just like a company specializing in solar energy would have other key terms to use.
STEP 4: Creative Posting[edit | edit source]
Now that the company is signed up in numerous social media sites it is important to be posting things that people will want to follow. Entertaining, educational, promotional, and interactive posting is necessary to keep people coming back to a company's social media profiles. They can also be useful for a company to get public option. Some interesting post ideas include:
- Polls
- Promotions and coupons
- Giveaways
- Videos
- Pictures
- Links to articles
Remember that these items should always relate to the company in one way or another. So for example a company that makes notebooks from recycled products should not post video clips for new movie trailers.
STEP 5: Smart Blogging[edit | edit source]
Blogs are a bit different from other social media sites, because there is a lot more content being published from a company. Blogging becomes for effective when a company chooses topics that are currently relevant and offer a fresh perspective. Nobody wants to read the same information over and over.
Learn about Search Engine Optimization (SEO) articles. This concept is simply using terms that are frequently looked for on search engines. As an example the term" eco-friendly" may be searched for more than "economically friendly". There are tools that tell which words are more popular than others. A commonly used one is Google's Keyword Tool AdWords.[3]
Tips and Warnings[edit | edit source]
- Keep posts free of profanities
- Block spammers
- Post frequently
- Make sure to post links to the company's social media outlets on the company webpage