The following are proceedings from a breakout group at the Community Created Humboldt event on January 23rd, 2010.
Energy, Transportation, Trails Proceedings[edit | edit source]
The political will to make it happen.
S0[edit | edit source]
- Trail safety, share the road, need for education; why do other cities have trail systems? We don’t have the political will
- City of Arcata has ped/bike master plan updated every 5 years is being updated now= vehicle for involvement
- blocks: backlog—lack of continuity and floow-through
S1: Next Steps[edit | edit source]
- Feb. 4 public input for Humboldy Bay Trail from Bracut to Skate Park
- concern: may be cost-prohibitive
- HCAOG needs to keep website info/contacts current
S2: Transit Recommendations[edit | edit source]
- In general: create a one-stop shop space for community issues perhaps in journal or paper-like entertainment matrix
- continue increasing frequency of using alternative transit
- encourage everyone’s use of public transit—to increase use by 1X per week, e.g.
- change stigma that transit is scary or for poor people
S3: trail recommendations[edit | edit source]
- driver ed for road sharing
- support bike/ped master plan specifically for Samoa
- HCAOG = HCLOG—citizens need to unclog it
- citizen’s review board for political will
- be positive and supportive of our leadership
- create another pedestrian bridge for Samoa
S4: Energy recommendations[edit | edit source]
- consider local control of our utilities
- PG&E wants to require communities to hold ballot initiatives re local control
- community-owned solar array co-op
- community-owned transport co-op
- economic developers see value in local green job development and local government to incentivize
- increase alternative energy engineering at HSU
S5: Themes[edit | edit source]
- Casual carpooling is criminalized at this time
- potential for a solar buy-in system?]
- a solar array bank co-op?
- solar panels and cradle-to-grave
Energy recommendations:
- consider behavior and how we use energy first at educational institutions (to educate community re energy use)
S6: themes, cont.[edit | edit source]
- Schatz and RCEA renewable energy secure community project; creating a renewable resource plan (wind, wave, solar, hydro)
- limited by export/import, storage
- in analysis stage now there will be a public engagement process later (RESCO)
S:7 more themes[edit | edit source]
Q: are any $ geared toward addressing safety in communities? A: bike/ped master plan is all about safety
- alternative energy and transport
- vehicle use using alternative energy that is cleaner and doesn’t require bike or ped
- Ride share—an institutional ride-share system that provides regular transport and utilizes specific locations
S8: themes . . .[edit | edit source]
HCAOG in the process of rail-banking and moving trails forward and revising things
- Annie & Mary is now able to move forward due to staffing
- Rails to trails b/t Arcata and Eureka, 1) Caltrans R.O.W., 2) NCRA R.O.W.--which one will accommodate railroad?
- revised Federal Highways bill—looking to that to create trails ($$)