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Top page Diabetes mellitus cured - George's experience (20,310)
Impact 22,078 page views
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Home-made monofilaments for testing foot sensitivity in diabetes[edit | edit source]

Diabetic peripheral neuropathy: How reliable is a homemade 1-g monofilament for screening - A case-control study of sensitivity, specificity, and comparison with standardized sensory modalities ]] Matthew E. Bourcier, MPAJagdeesh Ullal, MD, MSHenri K. Parson, PhDCharlotte B. Dublin, BSCrystal A. G. Witherspoon, MPHSheila A. Ward, PhDAaron I. Vinik, MD, PhD. Strelitz Diabetes Institutes, Department of Internal Medicine, Eastern Virginia Medical School, Norfolk, Va (MEB, JU, HKP, CBD, CAGW, AIV) Department of Health, Physical Education and Exercise Science, Norfolk State University, Norfolk, Va (SAW)

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