Pre Upgrade List[edit | edit source]

Steps taken in upgrate to 1.9.2[edit | edit source]

  1. Tested the latest domian backup by untaring it to a test directory. Everything looked okay. Deleted the test directory. Renamed today's domain and database backups to be different than the pre-update backup.
  2. cd ~/
  3. mkdir ~/
  4. cp LocalSettings.php ~/
  5. Run backup scripts for domain and database
    • cd ~/backups
    • ./
    • ./
  6. cd ~/
  7. wget
  8. gunzip -c mediawiki-1.9.2.tar.gz | tar -xf -
  9. cd mediawiki-1.9.2
  10. mv AdminSettings.sample AdminSettings.php
  11. vi AdminSettings.php
    Correct these lines
    • $wgDBadminuser = '*******';
    • $wgDBadminpassword = '*********';
  12. cp -R * ~/
  13. cd ~/
  14. Check version number to confirm successful recursive copy (cp -R *)
  15. /usr/local/php5/bin/php ~/
  16. rm -r preserve

That should be it.

Recommended: Test the update, Upgrade extensions. Follow the Post Upgrade List below.

1.9.2 upgrade by -GoodSignal 01:55, 17 February 2007 (PST)

Post Upgrade List[edit | edit source]

Google Analytics[edit | edit source]

Replace Google analytics code into current skin. Add it right above </body></html>:

<script src="" type="text/javascript">
<script type="text/javascript">
_uacct = "UA-761261-1";

--Lonny 02:33, 17 February 2007 (PST)

Social links[edit | edit source]

Add back into the MonoBook.php, the following just after:

</div><!-- end of the left (by default at least) column --> 
	<div class="visualClear"></div> 
<!-- Start Monobook Bookmarklets, originally created by Jon Rees, Oxford Informatics, adapted by Lonny //-->
<div class="pBody" align="right">

<?php $this_url = htmlspecialchars($this->data['content_actions']['nstab-main']['href']) ?>

<?php $this_url = ''.$this_url ?>

<a href="<?php echo $this_url ?>&title=<?php $this->text('title') ?>" title="Hugg this page"><img src='' border="0"></a>  

<a href="<?php echo $this_url ?>&title=<?php $this->text('title') ?>" title="Digg us"><img src='' border="0"></a>  

<a href="<?php echo $this_url ?>" title="Add our site to your technorati bookmarks!"><img src='' border="0"></a> 

<a href="<?php echo $this_url ?>&title=<?php $this->text('title') ?>" title="Add our site to your bookmarks!"><img src='' border="0"></a>  

<a href="<?php echo $this_url ?>&title=<?php $this->text('title') ?>" title="Add our site to your Google bookmarks!"><img src='' border="0"></a> 

<a href="<?php echo $this_url ?>&title=<?php $this->text('title') ?>" title="Add our site to your reddit bookmarks!"><img src='' border="0"></a>  

<a href="<?php echo $this_url ?>&title=<?php $this->text('title') ?>" title="Add our site to your blogmark bookmarks!"><img src='' border="0"></a>  

<a href="<?php echo $this_url ?>&title=<?php $this->text('title') ?>" title="Add our site to your blue dot bookmarks!"><img src='' border="0"></a> 

<a href="" rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml"><img src="" alt="Subscribe" style="vertical-align:middle;border:0"/></a> <a href="" rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml">Subscribe</a>


<!-- Ends Monobook Bookmarklets, originally created by Jon Rees, Oxford Informatics, adapted by Lonny //-->

--Lonny 03:25, 17 February 2007 (PST)

Updated to 1.13[edit | edit source]

dump database
mysqldump -uadb.. -pPASSWORD -h appropedia > backups/archives/appropedia.10508
zip it (could do this using a tag with the dump)
gzip appropedia.10508
save it off site
run update site from within goodies in Dreamhost
cp AdminSettings.sample AdminSettings.php
(Optional) Type this command to hide your file from casual snooping: chmod 640 AdminSettings.php
Edit the appropriate lines in this file with the username and password for your Mediawiki's MySQL database
cd maintenance/
/usr/local/php5/bin/php update.php ("Deleting old default messages" may take 5-10 minutes, depending on the size of your database)
Add this just before </body></html> in MonoBook.php
<script src="" type="text/javascript">
<script type="text/javascript">
_uacct = "UA-761261-1";
Add this somewhere
       <script type="text/javascript">
       addthis_url    = location.href;  
       addthis_title  = document.title;
       addthis_pub    = 'lonny';
       </script><script type="text/javascript" src="" ></script>
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