
Figure : Final Design of Triangle


The goal of this project is to design and create designated concrete stepping stone pathways to replace a preexisting rectangle shaped area filled with mulch in front of the school for the students at Zane Middle School in Eureka, California. Pathways will incorporate school spirit and education value by having falconhead imprints on each concrete square that makes up the path. There should be an image near the top. (image will be added when final design is complete)


This project is carried out by the group, The Green Dream Team under the supervision of instructor Lonny Grafman in the 2017 Spring semester of the Engineering 215 Introduction to Design course at Humboldt State University in Arcata, California. The client representative of this project is Trevor Hammons, whom is the Counseling Services Director at Zane Middle School. An organized aesthetically pleasing walkway system through the rectangular area is what Trevor wishes to be fulfilled. The falcon heads will be created in an MC escher style, which is the interlocking of one image within itself in an ongoing pattern. A pathway that contains easy accessibility and school inspired design produces a safe and positive learning environment while the students are walking to class.

Problem statement and criteria

The objective of this project is to provide a piece of land that will be used to improve the aesthetic value of the school. In order to do so, tessellated falcon head stepping stones and blank red stepping stones will create pathways placed through the triangular and rectangular sections. Not only would this help beautify the school but also solve the problem of tracking mud into classrooms. This area is expected to last for a long period of time so there should be an ease of navigation and be maintainable.

Criteria Weight (#)
Ease of Navigation 10
Aesthetics 9
Safety 8
Durability 8
Ease of Maintenance 7
Level of Sustainability 3
Inspiration 2
Education 2

Description of final project

The tessellating concrete paths at Zane Middle school are placed in solely the rectangular site location. The triangular portion of the groundwork features a pathway of alternating red and white tiles to form a checkered pattern. Spaces have been left around the tiles for the placement of grass seed in order to secure the tiles. Smaller pieces of pavers are located at the edge of either end of the path. Three Cala lilies are contained within the triangular segment.

Figure : Final Design


Quantity Material Source Cost ($) Total ($)
1 Bender Board The Mill Yard 20.00 20.00
1 Quikrete The Mill yard 5.00 5.00
1 Quikrete Portland Cement The Mill yard 12.95 12.95
1 Quikrete All Purpose Sand The Mill yard 7.95 7.95
1 Cala Lily Costco 6.95 6.95
2 Plastic Bucket The Mill yard 5.95 5.95
1 Wooden Spoon ACE 2.95 2.95
10 Red Concrete Pavers Mill Farms 1.99 19.9
Total Cost 88.60

Testing Results

Testing Results were obtained in two ways: (i) prototyping within the Engineering department at Humboldt State University and (ii) human interactions at Catherine L. Zane Middle School. Prototyping was successful. The concrete molds were functional, the mixes worked, and the stamp was successful. At Zane middle school it was determined that the students enjoyed the grounds work project. One of the children was reportedly played hopscotch on the checkered stepping stone design.

How to build

File: Katelyn ruler1.jpg
Stepping Stone Construction


The groundworks project requires very little maintenance due to the permanent stability of the concrete stepping stones.


How to create an imprinted stepping stone to form a pathway


-Stepping stone cracks: Replace stepping stone

-Residue and rocks get into design: sweep out remains in order to provide traction

Discussion and next steps

Temporary: Following the final implementation of the design will be the analyzing of how it has affected the school. Seeing how the design on the stepping stones is included is learning activities and the success of those lessons will determine how well they impacted the school. Lastly, the way that the students use the pathways to diminish traffic will be seen to reflect on how it works.

Suggestions for future changes

This section will be filled in once knowing how the final product is used by the students and how it could be better with changes (This is where to lay out suggestions for how to make the project function better in the future. )


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