Figure 1:Team Falcon Punch


The Objective of Team Falcon punch is to create a up cycle disk golf course for the students at Zane Middle school physical education class as well for intermural tournaments. The disk golf course is to be made from weather proof and recycled materials that can withstand the stress of being handled by students. In order to conduct this project, we had to break down the process into five sections: Problem Formulation,Literature Review, Alternate Solution, Discussing Review, and Specification of Final Solution. Its important to display the use of recycling and how it can be used to great effect.


In Fall course of Engr215 Intro to Design course from Humboldt State University we were to build a 9 hole up cycle disc course for Zane Middle School, which is a public Middle school located in Eureka, CA. Zane Middle School is committed to inspiring academic Excellence, Creativity, and the confidence to Succeed. This school has to do with science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics

Problem statement and criteria

Zane Middle School has contracted Humboldt State with the intention to build an up-cycled disc golfing course. The course will be built to the criteria of Zane Middle School while using up-cycled materials.

Criteria Definition Weight
Safety The capacity for the disc golf to prevent injury to players or anyone handling the goals. The operator, players and students must not be harmed by the disc golf goal. 10
Durability The ability of the hole to resist weathering and remain structurally intact and functional over an extended period of time. 9
Level of Fun The enjoyment level of the constructed project. 7
Sustainability The amount of up-cycled materials used in construction. 7
Portability The ability for staff and students to move the goals from storage to anywhere needed on campus with ease. 7
Ease of Maintenance The level of difficulty of maintaining the hole 6
Aesthetics The visual appeal of the disc golf courses after completion. 6
Reproducibility The capacity of the project to be remade using instructions or designs provided by team Falcon Punch. 5
Educational Value The potential of the project for providing educational lessons. 3


Figure 2:Design cost in hours
Material (cost unit) Cost ($) Quantity Total ($)
Drum (per drum) Donated 3 -
1 1/2 inch pipe (per foot) 0.69 25 17.25
2 inch Pipe (per foot) 0.79 20 15.80
Pipe Caps (per cap) 1.50 9 13.50
Fasteners (per assembly) 2.75 9 24.75
Base (per base) Donated 9 -
Fire Extinguisher (per unit) 4.00 6 24.00
Paint (per can) 2.50 4 10.00
Total 105.30

Description of final project

The Stationary Safety Goal prototype is a portable and resilient solution created mostly from recycled materials and very few parts that can be damaged easily. The fire extinguisher was replaced with a fifty five gallon drum for some of the goals. The poly-ethylene barrels provide a comparable replacement for the fire extinguisher. While lacking the “bell” sound requested by the client, they do create a larger target for the younger children. All the goals closely resemble the height of a regulation basket, although the fire extinguishers provide a smaller target zone.

Figure 3:All 9 disc golf holes

Testing Results

To determine the amount of sound the Stationary Safety Goal generated, we tested how sturdy it was and how loud of a sound it made when impacted by a disc. When testing the sturdiness of the prototype, discs were thrown at the goal across a field as if the game was being played. It was found that the goal was very sturdy with wind up to ten miles per hour hitting the goal. The sound the client asked for is created when the goal is hit from any angle by a disc. This is a successful way to confirm that a goal has been scored.

How to build

File:Dcstep 1.jpg
Assembly Steps

Discussion and next steps

After testing, we found that plastic barrels and fire extinguishers made the best sounds when hit, and were also lightweight. We found that the goals were easy to assemble and disassemble. Due to the large number of goals built, it is best utilized with large groups of students.

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