
The Worldwatch Institute works to transition this world towards a sustainable lifestyle while continuing to meet the various needs of the human race. Worldwatch is a non-partisan, independent organization that focuses on achieving an environmentally stable society with assistance from numerous publishing partners from a variety of countries throughout the world. These partners expand the global network in order to achieve public awareness on an international level for maximum global impact. The Worldwatch Institute is funded primarily by private institutions and individuals through donations, and a third of their funding comes from publication sales.


Inspire action through the use of research and outreach that will assist the world in obtaining environmental sustainability without jeopardizing the needs of humans. The Worldwatch Institute's main objectives “are universal access to renewable energy and nutritious food, expansion of environmentally sound jobs and development, transformation of cultures from consumerism to sustainability, and an early end to population growth through healthy and intentional childbearing.”[1]


Research findings are spread through the use of print and online media in over twenty different languages. The Worldwatch Institute's main stream of information relies on blogs conducted by members of the organization and partners from all over the world. The organization also uses outside resources such as Greentech Media, an organization devoted to covering emerging green and clean technologies, to spread their research.

Lester Russel Brown


Lester Brown began his career as a farmer in New Jersey, later earning a degree from the University of Maryland in agricultural economics and a degree from Harvard university in public administration. With the help from the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Lester Brown founded the Worldwatch Institute in 1974, which became the first research institute dedicated to the analysis of global environmental issues. The president now is Robert Engelman, who was formally the Vice President for Programs when he originally joined the Worldwatch family. In 2001, Lester founded the Earth Policy Institute, a non-profit neoliberal environmental organization based in Washington D.C. in which he is still the president. Brown is the author and co-author of over fifty published books and is the recipient of multiple awards and prizes.


There are three program areas the Worldwatch Institute focuses on to achieve their mission objectives. Projects that Worldwatch is currently engaged in combat against climate change, resource degradation, population growth, and poverty.

Climate & Energy


This program "identifies key components of energy and transportation systems that aim to de-carbonize the global economy, boost energy efficiency, spur innovation and job creation, address resource scarcity, and reduce local environmental pollution."[2] Projects that fall under this program area are:

    • Sustainable Energy Roadmaps- Provides realistic and practical strategies for sustainability in the Caribbean and Central America
    • China Program- Helps decision makers understand environmental problems and opportunities facing China
    • Sustainable Energy Initiatives in India- Helps India to advance their goals to increase access to clean energy sources
    • EmPowering Africa- Combats poverty while promoting sustainable development in sub-Saharan Africa
    • Developing Renewable Energy Indicators- Assesses the effectiveness efficiency of support programs towards the development of renewable energy
    • Renewables Global Status Report Series- Strategizes ways to provide essential energy services to citizens without disrupting the climate system, degrade the environment, or provoke conflict
    • Re|Volt- Official blog that updates on the latest revolutions in energy production and consumption and explores low-carbon development strategies around the world

Environment & Society


This program "turns a critical eye to how we can harness the central institutions that shape society to shift today's economies, cultures, and societies toward sustainability."[3] Projects that fall under this program area are:

    • Is Sustainability Still Possible?- Offers a broad realistic look at how we view sustainability and the practices and policies that will help steer us in the right direction
    • Transforming Cultures- A critical look at how consumer cultures are shifted towards sustainability
    • Sustainable Prosperity- Encourages an economic system that promotes the health of ecosystems and people together

Food & Agriculture

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This program "highlights the benefits to farmers, consumers, and ecosystems that can flow from food systems that are flexible enough to deal with shifting weather patterns, productive enough to meet the needs of expanding populations, and accessible enough to support rural communities."[4] Projects that fall under this program area are:

    • Nourishing the Planet- Evaluates environmentally sustainable solutions in order to reduce hunger and poverty


External Links

Worldwatch Institute Biography of Lester Brown Greentech Media

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