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[[File:Earth Global Circulation.jpg|thumb|right|150px|Wind as a result of unequal solar radiation]]   
[[File:Earth Global Circulation.jpg|thumb|right|150px|Wind as a result of unequal solar radiation]]   
[[File:Map prevailing winds on earth.png|thumb|right|150px|Global winds map]]
[[File:Map prevailing winds on earth.png|thumb|right|150px|Global winds map]]
[[File:File:Average_wind_speeds_at_10m.png|thumb|right|150px|Average wind energy levels at 10m altitude]]
[[File:Average_wind_speeds_at_10m.png|thumb|right|150px|Average wind energy levels at 10m altitude]]
[[File:File:Average_wind_speeds_at_80m.png|thumb|right|150px|Average wind energy levels at 80m altitude]]
[[File:Average_wind_speeds_at_80m.png|thumb|right|150px|Average wind energy levels at 80m altitude]]
[[File:Map local winds.png|thumb|right|150px|Local winds map]]
[[File:Map local winds.png|thumb|right|150px|Local winds map]]
[[File:Mountain wind.JPG|thumb|right|150px|Flow of winds on mountains]]
[[File:Mountain wind.JPG|thumb|right|150px|Flow of winds on mountains]]

Revision as of 06:17, 28 June 2011

Wind as a result of unequal solar radiation
Global winds map
File:Average wind speeds at 10m.png
Average wind energy levels at 10m altitude
File:Average wind speeds at 80m.png
Average wind energy levels at 80m altitude
Local winds map
Flow of winds on mountains
Flow of winds near shore

Wind is the result of the uneven heating of the Earth by the sun and the fact that temperatures are invariably trying to reach an equilibrium (heat is always moving to a cooler area). With the rising expense of energy and the destruction of the environment from standard fuels, it is starting to be equitable to harvest this renewable resource.

Some great benefits of wind energy are that it's virtually free (once you buy the equipment) and there's no pollution. The disadvantages include the fact it's not a continuing source (the speed varies and many times it is insufficient to generate electricity) and it typically requires about one acre of land.

How Wind Energy Works

The volume of power that's available varies by wind speed. The amount available is called it's power density which is measured in watts per square meter. For that reason, the U.S. Doe has separated wind energy into classes from 1 to 7. The normal wind speed for class 1 is 9.8 mph or less while the average for a class 7 is 21.1 or even more. For effective power production, class 2 winds (11.5 mph average speed) are frequently required.

Normally, wind speeds increase as you get higher above the Earth. Due to this, the normal wind turbine comes with a tower at least 30 feet above obstructions. There are two basic types of towers useful for residential wind power systems (free standing and guyed). Free standing towers are self supporting and are usually heavier which means they take special equipment (cranes) to place them. Guyed towers are supported on a concrete base and anchored by wires for support. They typically are not as heavy and most manufacturer's produce tilt down models which may be easily raised and lowered for maintenance.

The kinetic (moving energy) from the winds is harnessed by a device known as the turbine. This turbine contains airfoils (blades) that capture the energy of the wind and use it to turn the shaft of an alternator (like you have on a car only bigger).

There are 2 basic kinds of blades (drag style and lifting style). We all have seen pictures of old-fashioned windmills with the large flat blades which are a good example of the drag style of airfoil. Lifting style blades are twisted instead of flat and resemble the propellor of a small airplane.

A turbine is classified as to whether it is made to be installed with the rotor in a vertical or horizontal position and whether the wind strikes the blades or the tower first. A vertical turbine typically requires less land for it's installation and is a better option for the more urban areas on the planet. An upwind turbine is created for the wind to impact the airfoils before it does the tower.


These units normally have a tail on the turbine which is required to maintain the unit pointed into the wind. A downwind turbine doesn't need a tail as the wind acting on the blades tends to keep it oriented properly.

These turbine systems would be damaged if they were to be allowed to turn at excessive speeds. Therefore, units should have automatic over-speed governing systems. Some systems use electrical braking systems although some use mechanical type brakes.

The output electricity from the alternator is sent to a controller which conditions it for use in the home. The usage of residential wind power systems requires the home to either remain linked with the utility grid or store electricity in a battery for use when the wind doesn't blow sufficiently.

When the home is tied to the grid, the excess electricity that is created by the residential wind power system can be sold to the utility company to reduce and sometimes even eliminate your electric bill. During times with not enough wind, the home is supplied power from the utility company.


The expense of Wind Energy

Small residential wind power turbines can be an attractive alternative, or addition, to those people needing more than 100-200 watts of power for their home, business, or remote facility. Unlike PV's, which remain at basically a similar cost per watt independent of array size, wind generators get cheaper with increasing system size. At the 50 watt size level, for instance, a small residential power turbine would cost about $8.00/watt in comparison to approximately $6.00/watt for a Photovoltaic module.

This is why, all things being equal, Photovoltaic is cheaper for very small loads. As the system size gets larger, however, this "rule-of-thumb" reverses itself.

At 300 watts the turbine costs are down to $2.50/watt, while the PV costs are still at $6.00/watt. For a 1,500 watt wind system the cost is down to $2.00/watt and at 10,000 watts the price of a wind generator (excluding electronics) is down to $1.50/watt.

Contributor - About the original contributor of the Wind power page:

Who am i ? - Mary Jones writes for the <a href="">residential wind turbines</a> website, her personal hobby blog related to ways to reduce Carbon dioxide and lower energy costs using alternative power sources.

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