How It Is Like To Be A Student

       Achieving the career you always wanted is truly not an easy thing to do. You have to go through ups and downs a lot of times, experiencing failures all the way. Sometimes you ask yourself “Why do I have to take this subject even if it is irrelevant to my career goals?” But the truth is there is something more to it. School is not just teaching us lessons we are supposed to learn academically but they also develop our attitudes and manners. We just really have to dig deeper the surface that we know. A subject, Empowerment Technologies has opened my eyes to figure out the following:

     It brought me to a realization. Now that the semester is almost over, it made me realize various things may it be positive or negative. It was surely tiresome but at the same time it was worth all the hardships. It made me grasp the idea that you cannot get what you want and make the things that you want to happen just because you desire to. And it taught me different things especially those that I have not yet learned during my junior high school days. Negatively, it has also made recognize and understand that you cannot please everyone. There are instances that you need to do things on your own because no one else will. You try to put your whole trust on everyone but it ends up betraying you.

    It led me to a discovery. This brought me to a discovery that there are a lot of ways to solve a problem and that problems are much easier to solve with other’s help. Problems are an instrument of distractions and a teacher. Especially during my challenging moments which includes being pressured finishing projects that have just been given and needed to be passed immediately, it will distract you of your own ideals and views making you hate people and even yourself. 
    At the same time, it also teaches you how to deal with your patience and drive you to look for a solution rather than losing hope and giving up. The problems I have been through brought me to a discovery in myself that I am much more productive when pressured. And for the people around me who are also a challenge, I have discovered that not all of them are generous enough at times especially when their kindness is abused.

    The most powerful and important learning I have. Some of my powerful learning moments includes creating a blogsite. I have always wanted to try making one and it was really such a great experience to be able to do so. It was a real challenge at first but eventually I learned how to do it gradually from repeated times we have to. And although the deadlines were pressuring, the making was fun. Personally, I also learned how to deal with various things that involves how to deal with different people in the classroom setting and their varying attitudes. I also learned to be more attentive and independent in times that I really need to.

    The ultimate problem. Being a student means that sooner or later you will encounter different and difficult problems and that is constant. Even if you do not have one, you are supposed to look for one. But for my ultimate problem it involves dealing with people inside the classroom. It has made me realize that I needed to be more independent and trust more on myself and to what I do. I came up with the solution considering those people and as to how the problem could affect me and even others if I further tolerate what they do. 
    My solution may be effective to me but it also has its own downsides in different situations. Trusting only myself would mean that I barely or do not trust others at all and that sometimes trying to solve the problem alone would not help solve it and will only make it worse. This means that at times relying on others is not a bad thing at all especially if they really mean to help.

    Collaborative team communications.  As to how effective the communication is within the group depends on the participation of each of the group members. Usually, group plans are made online because of the lack of time we have in school. With this, most members are always available online mostly waiting for the group’s instructions and updates while some are just there to scroll their feeds and update their accounts. Sometimes it is quite disappointing that I or other members of the group tries to share and imply their thoughts and ideas yet others do not want to listen. They would depend and just agree because someone has spoken their idea while they do not even think of one.

    In conclusion, being a student is not a bad thing at all. Consider each situation and experience a key to the door to what you truly want to become. Stop complaining and be thankful for being able to study and have such teachers, classmates, and friends who will support you. And take advantage of the opportunities that may come. 
                   There is meaning in everything. And if it lacks, you just have to define it yourself.
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