My Engr 215 web page

About Me

Tatiana Garcia
Sophomore at Humboldt State University
Majoring in Environmental Resource Engineering
From From Southern California

Interests in Engineering

  • I'm not yet sure what I want to focus on. Maybe water or wind technologies,
but I need to experience more before I can say definitively.

Experience in Engineering

  • Last semester I was in a group of three for a statics project. We set out and accomplished (not so beautifully) to create and build a cardboard bike that was able to withstand all 110 lb.s of my weight sitting on top of it. In addition, a colleague and myself managed to build a prototype using only toothpicks and super glue.
  • Very recently I grouped up with three more ERE students in order to build our very own Rube Goldberg machines. It took us about a week and 150+ man hours. It definitely worked and I am extremely proud of that project.
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