
About Me

Name: Justin

I used to do residential construction for about 10 years. I decided to return to school in 2008 to work towards an engineering degree at Butte Community College in Chico CA. This is my first semester at Humboldt State University and I love it already.


Interests in Engineering

  • River restoration
  • Water quality control
  • The opportunity to work concepts and projects never seen before.

Experience in Engineering

  • Construction experience gave first hand insight into structural building and plan management.
  • Intro to AutoCAD helps jump start the design information
  • Surveying experience with dumpy levels, GPS systems, and elevation measurement.


  • For Engineering 215, my group and I, Team Ecodermis, designed a multiple layer shell to cover the Flock House. This is the document we created while designing our shell:Word Document
  • This Gannt Chart shows a sample of project planning software.
  • This is a sample of an Auto CAD.
  • This is a Flock House Memo that was made attach to section 2 of the document.
  • This is a Excel worksheet for and example table creation
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