Suzann Pomraning

Current date: Friday September 20, 2024

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Why Am I Interested in the Environment?

I grew up on a small dairy farm in York County, Pennsylvania, so I was always outside and interacting with nature. My favorite part of growing up there was the ability to go outside at night and be able to look up at the sky. I got my first set of binoculars to study the stars at a young age. I now own a telescope and use it whenever I can. Light pollution is a huge issue that I am interested in. is a website you can go to and learn some more about their cause. Over the past few years, I've gained an understanding of the environment and how it effects my life. I worked at a camp for two summers and it opened my eyes to many environmental issues and also showed me the beauty of the nature that surrounds me. Realizing that I have the power to change my own wasteful habits, I hope to learn ways to reduce my impact and have a positive influence on the people surrounding me.


I currently attend Clarion University of Pennsylvania. My major is Secondary Education Earth and Space Science with a focus in Geology. Before coming to Clarion, I lived in south-central Pennsylvania and attended Red Lion Area Senior High. This is where I gained my interest in earth science from my 8th grade teacher, Mr. Schreckengast. He has such a passion for his field and made learning exciting for everyone.


In high school I was an active member of the FFA. Through that I gained leadership and networking skills by competing in career development events and attending conferences and conventions. Throughout my whole life I was involved in the Dairy Princess program, which worked at a grassroots level to promote the dairy industry. My senior year of high school, I became the 2004-2005 York County Dairy Princess, which allowed me to travel the state, meet new people and learn more about the industry and people who worked in it. Currently, I am very involved on campus. I am a Vice President for my sorority, Delta Phi Epsilon. Also, I'm in charge of putting together the float for the annual Autumn Leaf Festival on October 6, 2007 for my sorority. Other than that, I am the President of BACCHUS/GAMMA, a group dedicated to campus-wide health and safety initiatives.

Future Plans

I hope to use the knowledge and experience I've gained in college to teach students the importance of the earth they live on. It is extremely important to get children interested in recycling and other habits such as that if you expect them to carry them on in the future. I still haven't decided if I'm going to go into teaching or into the field, but either way, I would like to educate people about resources and the environment.

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