Behind the sunflowers is the greenhouse where I plan to install a rain water catchment system

About Me

My name is Sherry
I am a student at Humboldt State University, currently enrolled in Appropriate Technology 305.

Interests in Appropriate Technology

I grew up in the city of Taipei, Taiwan and moved to Houston, TX when I was 10 years old. Growing up and living in crowded cities most of my childhood has sparked my interest in alternative and sustainable life styles. I found myself gravitating towards a simpler life style surrounded by nature. Some of my topics of interests in appropriate technology includes

  • Sustainable living
  • Repurposing and reusing material for building
  • Off Grid living
  • Alternative energy- solar and wind energy
  • Growing your own food
  • Natural building materials

Experience in Appropriate Technology

This is my first time taking a class in this topic. I have been exposed to different types of appropriate technology through various experiences such as attending over a dozen of national Rainbow Gatherings.

  • Camping
  • Wilderness survival
  • Gardening
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