This is a picture of me in Costa Rica on an island formed by a large river splitting as it reaches the ocean. I am staying at the Hotel of the Happy Monkey , AKA a small shack on the beach full of crabs, bugs and wild watermelon.
 Nombre: Shane Brabant
 Teléfono en Parras: TU TELÉFONO
 Ubicación en Parras: 5 de Mayo-Real de Mexicanos #55

Intereses en Tecnología Apropiada

  • INTERES Low impact cheap energy
  • INTERES Appropriate agriculture

Experencia en Tecnología Apropiada



  • Please do not forget that the governing agents in our lives, the different locus of control if you will, are all part of a system. Mathematics, politics, the laws that constrict us, control us, manipulate and conform us, are all systems of doing things that humanity, the U.S.A., H.S.U., find acceptable. So when you are feeling oppressed, depressed or hopeless about a system in you life, remember that nothing is forever, things change, and that you have the power to change them.

-Shane Brabant


If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.

–John Quincy Adams

Existing Projects

Intro To Windbelt Project

Team S.E.A

  • Shane B.
  • Ana F.
  • Enrique D.
    • We are working with Otros Mundos, to generate clean energy by innovating on the windbelt wind generator. Our goal is to build multiple models of the windbelt with the hope to aid Otros Mundos in an energy cinch.
  • Background of SEA Project: The Who-What-Where-When
    • Team SEA, Shane-Anna-Enrique, has been commissioned by Otros Mundos to build a Windbelt. Based off of Shawn Frayne’s design dubbed the Humdinger Windbelt, we will be creating a working, low cost, and small device to be used in the field to power small lights, radios and possibly a cell phone or even a laptop.

Our team will be creating multiple Windbelts of different design in order to design and create the best possible working Windbelt for use here in Chiapas and around the world! Currently, we have begun construction of a Windbelt designed by USD’s D-Lab based off of Shawn’s Humdinger. The D-Lab design is made of a PVC body instead of wood with little other alterations to the Humdinger design. Currently, our prototype does not create adequate electricity to power anything, however Team SEA is optimistic and determined to be successful. A Windbelt works off of something known as aeroelastic flutter, or the vibration of a membrane pulled taught between two points. This phenomenon was first witnessed when the Tacoma Narrows Bridge was destroyed in 1940 by high winds. The flutter of the membrane, in this case Mylar coated taffeta, creates an iris of motion that is used to oscillate magnets in between magnetic wire coils in order to create a charge. This relatively small amount of energy can hopefully power lights in poor countries with little or no cost to the household. Originally designed by Shawn Frayne to power lights in rural areas of Haiti, the Windbelt design is now being considered to power small sensors in large buildings air ducts in order to regulate the temperature of the building without the use of batteries that will need to be replaced. Currently, the Windbelt technology is new and not widely used. Hopefully the Windbelt will become a more feasible generator in the next couple of years after the technology becomes wider known and is augmented to function with greater efficiency. My hope is that a series of Windbelts can someday be used in unison to power larger things like computers and to charge larger batteries like that of a car or possibly a defibulator for field medics.

Windbelt Trademark

  • [Humdinger's]
    • Windbelt technology uses a phenomenon called aeroelastic flutter, inspired by the Tacoma Bridge disaster of 1940( Invented by Shawn Frayne, the windbelt is the world's first small scale, turbine free, wind generator. Wind turbines are difficult to scale down in size; The components are expensive and encounter friction as their size decreases. Frayne's study focused on the wind vibrations that caused the failure of the Tacoma bridge, to provide clean, cheap energy to developing countries. During Shawn's work in Haiti he witnessed firsthand the need for small amounts of electricity to power simple lights, radios and even to charge3 cell phones when a socked is simply unavailable. The windbelt is Shawn's solution to this problem. Although the windbelt was originally designed to solve lighting problems of third world countries, the device has many applications. An array of windbelts could generate enough power to fuel a laptop, television, or a house. The windbelt pulls energy from the wind with the use of a tensioned membrane and the phenomenon known as "Aeroelastic Flutter". As wind hits the windbelt, the tensioned membrane captures the flutter of the wind. To turn the oscillations of the wind into electricity the windbelt uses of new type of linear generators. This technology comes in a variety of scales, from small handheld windbelts, to windcell panels that can generate megawatts of energy.

Aeroelastic Flutter

  • [Journal Source]
    • The article explains aeroelastic flutter, which is a phenomenon that can be harnessed to produce electrical current. Shawn Frayne's windbelt, has a flat membrane tightly stretched between two poles that shakes in the wind, just like the Tacoma bridge did before it collapsed. Aeroelastic flutter can be viewed as the iris shape produced by membrane of the windbelt as the wind hits it.

Total Materials

Item Quantity Our Cost Retail Cost
Magnets 1 set of 30 $16.01 $16.01
Mylar Coated Taffeta Tape 5 Yards $8.80 $8.80
1x3 Lumber 29 feet $15.38 $15.38
Copper Wire 1 Large Spool $0.00 $15.00
Copper Wire 2-3 Packs/1 Spool $34.00 $34.00
Multi-meter 1 $29.99 $29.99
LED Lights 1-20 pack $2.99 $2.99
Bread Board 2 $23.90 $23.90
Spools 14 $0.00 $10.00
Dowels 28 $0.00 $5.00
Epoxy 1-25 mL Tube $4.99 $4.99
Epoxy 1-10 oz Tube $4.79 $4.79
Flash Drive 1 $8.00 $8.00
Tackle Box 1 $9.80 $9.80
Various Nuts and Bolts Numerous $5.04 $5.04
Batteries 1-4 Pack $4.49 $4.49
Boxes 2 $22.00 $22.00
VHS Tape 1 $1.09 $1.09
Diodes 12 $4.95 $4.95
Capacitors 2 $3.00 $3.00
Shims 1-14 Pack $2.49 $2.49
Screw Driver 1 $4.99 $4.99
Sand Paper 2 Sheets $2.50 $2.50
Alligator Clips 4 $2.60 $2.60
Duct Tape 1 Roll $4.99 $4.99
PVC Pipe 3" 1 $0.00 $10.00
Electric Drill and Numerous Drill Bit's 1 $0.00 $0.00
Saw 1 $0.00 $0.00
Wrenches Numerous $0.00 $0.00
Clear Tape 1 Roll $0.00 $0.00
Total Price $216.79 $256.79

Materials for "D-Lab Windbelt"

Item Quantity Our Cost Retail Cost
Magnets 1 set of 30 $16.01 $16.01
Mylar Coated Taffeta Tape 5 Yards $8.80 $8.80
Copper Wire 1 Large Spool $0.00 $15.00
Multi-meter 1 $29.99 $29.99
LED Lights 1-20 pack $2.99 $2.99
Epoxy 1-10 oz Tube $4.79 $4.79
Various Nuts and Bolts Numerous $5.04 $5.04
Duct Tape 1 Roll $4.99 $4.99
PVC Pipe 3" 1 $0.00 $10.00
Electric Drill and Numerous Drill Bit's 1 $0.00 $0.00
Saw 1 $0.00 $0.00
Wrenches Numerous $0.00 $0.00
Clear Tape 1 Roll $0.00 $0.00
Total Price $ $

Materials for "RCEA Windbelt"

Item Quantity Our Cost Retail Cost
Magnets 1 set of 30 $16.01 $16.01
Mylar Coated Taffeta Tape 5 Yards $8.80 $8.80
1x3 Lumber 29 feet $15.38 $15.38
Copper Wire 1 Large Spool $0.00 $15.00
Copper Wire 2-3 Packs/1 Spool $34.00 $34.00
Multi-meter 1 $29.99 $29.99
LED Lights 1-20 pack $2.99 $2.99
Bread Board 2 $23.90 $23.90
Spools 14 $0.00 $10.00
Dowels 28 $0.00 $5.00
Epoxy 1-25 mL Tube $4.99 $4.99
Epoxy 1-10 oz Tube $4.79 $4.79
Flash Drive 1 $8.00 $8.00
Tackle Box 1 $9.80 $9.80
Various Nuts and Bolts Numerous $5.04 $5.04
Batteries 1-4 Pack $4.49 $4.49
Boxes 2 $22.00 $22.00
VHS Tape 1 $1.09 $1.09
Diodes 12 $4.95 $4.95
Capacitors 2 $3.00 $3.00
Shims 1-14 Pack $2.49 $2.49
Screw Driver 1 $4.99 $4.99
Sand Paper 2 Sheets $2.50 $2.50
Alligator Clips 4 $2.60 $2.60
Gorilla Tape 1 Roll $4.99 $4.99
PVC Pipe 2 $0.00 $10.00
Total Price $216.79 $256.79

Construction of the Windbelts

  • D-Lab Windbelt
    • Team SEA's first attempt at creating a working Windbelt was fashioned after the "D-Lab Windbelt". The "D-Lab Windbelt" is modeled after Shawn Frayne's "Humdinger Windbelt". After carefully studying the D-Lab video on and the online instructions for the device, Team SEA began collecting materials from various locations in San Cristobal. A large amount of the tools used in the creation of the SEA/D-Lab Windbelt Prototype #1 were borrowed from Otros Mundos, the organization that has commissioned Team SEA and HSU to build a Windbelt. After collecting the necessary materials for the D-Lab Windbelt Team SEA began construction 7-10-10.

Wind Energy

  • ASCE Journal
    • The ASCE article comments on the rapid growth of wind energy as world demands increase for clean energy. Larger, more efficient wind turbines have been built that are able to function underwater. The new media for wind turbines, the ocean, will pose challenges for designer in building safe off-shore wind turbines.
  • source on commercial applications of wind energy
    • the book talks about the commercial applications of wind energy, dangers, and history. It mentions that wind energy is now being merely reintroduced to a society that forgot about it. Hazards to the environment are the following: Fauna destruction, e.g. birds flying into the rotors, and the potential risk to a community that flying rotors may have.
  • [1]

This is a thesis done by a graduate student (Colin John Ritter Shepperd) at Humboldt State University entitled "Analysis of the measure-correlate-predict methodology for wind resource assessment." This was helpful information because he explains in great detail the ideas behind wind power, as well as the various equations that help us figure out how much actual power we can get from wind. An excellent example of his work: "An important characteristic of wind power conversion is the non-linear re- lationship between the speed of the wind and the available power. Wind power density (WPD) is the amount of power available in a unit area of the air perpen- dicular to the flow of the wind. WPD has units of (W/m2 ) and is calculated by the following expression (Gipe 2004): W P D = 1 /2 ρV 3, where V is the wind velocity (m/s) and ρ is the air density (kg/m3 )." (page 5)

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