Asi.png This page was part of a project for MY3701 -- an MTU class on semiconductors.

Do NOT edit this page -- leave comments using the discussion tab or email S. Haselhuhn.

Stephanie Haselhuhn picture.jpg

About Me

Name: Stephanie Haselhuhn

My name is Stephanie Haselhuhn and I am currently and undergraduate student at Michigan Technological University. I am studying Materials Science and Engineering, with a second degree in Mechanical Engineering and a concentration in Enterprise. I hope to pursue a graduate degree after I finish my undergraduate degrees, either directly after graduation, or after spending some time in industry.


  • Skiing
  • Snowshoeing
  • Mountain Biking
  • Climbing/Rappelling

Extracurricular Activities

  • Mont Ripley Ski Patrol
  • Huskies Pep Band
  • Materials United
  • Alpha Sigma Mu


  • Caterpillar Corporate Intern, Engine Installation and Cooling, Fall 2011
  • Keweenaw Research Center Student Engineer, May 2012-present


Research Interests

  • Composite Materials
  • Polymers

Current Classes

Link to Class Page:

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