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Registered 2024
Impact 423
Contributions Modular Spherical Microphone Array
Spherical Microphone Array

Raimundo Gonzalez

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Originally from Chile, I have a MMus in Music Composition from the University of Alberta, (Canada) and a MSc in Acoustic & Music Technology from the University of Edinburgh (UK). Most importantly, I am passionate about the phenomena of sound, both for its aesthetic potential as well as its physical behaviour and impact. This passion is what inspired me to join the Acoutect consortium and to pursue a PhD at Aalto University. I am currently a member of the Virtual Acoustics group, a large team of researchers led by Dr. Tapio Lokki and Dr. Lauri Savioja focused on the modelling, analysis and evaluation of room acoustics. My current research involves using a systems design approach to the recording, processing and reproduction of spatial audio in the context of room acoustics. My goal is to develop optimisations applicable to the existing spatial audio methods (Ambisonics, DirAc, SDM) at its various stages. I am currently exploring modular design concepts of transparent microphone arrays using MEMs for optimal sound extraction and analysis. I am also an active choral composer and singer as well as a homebrewer and traveler.

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