Me playing bass

About Me

Max Vecchitto
Hi, I am an Environmental Science major with an emphasis in energy and climate. This is my fourth year at Humboldt State, and I have enjoyed my time here. I play in three bands in town, and that takes up the majority of my time outside of school. The bands that I am in include Northtown Dub, Killbot Factory, and The Small Axe

After getting my BS, I am hoping to enter a MBA program in pursuit of becoming a sustainability officer. I would really like to travel for a long time after my graduating, perhaps WOOFing.

Favorite Appropedia Page(s)

  • Floating drum biogas digestor - This biogas digestor converts human and animal feces into burnable methane gas. I think this type of cradle-to-cradle technology to maximize our energy options is a big step in sustainability.
  • Algae fuel - Using algae as a fuel for biomass energy is an exciting new idea. There seems to be a lot of potential for algae fuel, because based on the page, "algae can produce more oil in an area the size of a two-car garage than an entire football field of soybeans."

Experience and Resources

I have the following experience, skills or resources to share with Engr370:

  • Designing and constructing solar heated shower and housing for shower has given me skills in time management, experience in closed thermosyphon solar water systems, and experience in construction.
  • Taken a thermodynamics course, givening me insight into engines and different forms of renewable energies.
  • Taken Engineering 115, which gave me foundational skill sets to solve basic engineering problems.

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