That's me!

About Me

Name: Matthew Brown

I'm a Freshman here at HSU working on an Environmental Resources Engineering degree. I've taken ENGR 115 so far and am taking ENGR 215 and ENGR 210 this semester. Along with my engineering major, I'm hoping to minor in music. I do lots of outdoor activities such as mountain biking, snowboarding and wakeboarding.

Interests in Engineering

  • Create/help create solutions to major problems
  • Put my math and science skills to good use
  • I could have been considered a "mini" engineering when I was a kid. I was always designing things in my head and then going out in the backyard to try to build whatever I thought up. I've always enjoyed doing it.

Experience in Engineering

  • Current and previous engineering courses
  • Current internship with the Humboldt County Public Works Department
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