Requirements of temporary housing

  • Shelter
  • Water
  • Food
  • Heat
  • Toilet
  • Electricity

Ideas for an off grid + self-sufficient homestead

  • Home
    • Structure: earth shelter constructed out of earthbags using passive annual heat storage concepts (e.g. insulation watershed umbrella and coupled heat exchange air tube ventilation system) and south-facing greenhouse (as seen in earthships) as a direct solar collector.
    • Heat: Rocket stove mass heater(s) for on demand heat and cooking
    • Water: Rainwater catchment diverted into 3: purified water for drinking / cooking, hot water for washing and general use cold water for sinks and toilet flush. Hot water partly provided by Solar hot water system and also a thermosyphon system coupled with a rocket mass heater. Black water fed into external planter cells with traditional septic tank / leech field as redundancy.
    • Electricity: combination of solar power, wind power and small scale hydroelectric power (e.g. water wheel) feeds into battery bank. Power usage minimized by careful selection of appliances, lights etc.
    • Indoor food production via small scale aquaponics (edible freshwater + coldwater fish in symbiosis with various plants yielding vegetables and fruit) set up in south-facing greenhouse
  • External food production
    • External passive solar greenhouse for larger scale aquaponics system. This structure can include a achicken coop for eggs.
    • External garden for hardy plants such as potatoes, includes black water planter cells and Polytunnel to boost fertility and lengthen growing season.
  • Income
    • Sell extra food produce
    • Commercial forestry
    • Manufacture of goods from freely available raw materials such as wood
    • Parcelling of land for resale, potentially with planning permission or even finished structures installed to increase land value dramatically
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