
Born and raised in Resende- RJ graduated in mechanical engineering at Fluminense Federal University (UFF) in Volta Redonda – RJ, with a master’s degree in mechanical engineering at São Paulo State University (Unesp) Guaratinguetá – SP. Nowadays I`m a doctoral student in mechanical engineering at Unesp. In Unesp I work with materials characterization and design equipment for materials processing, with a focus on low-cost types of equipment for research and schools.

Current Research Projects and tutoring students

  • Low-cost viscosimeter to Al-Si alloy – Tutor’s scholarship (CNPq)
  • Directional solidification furnace to metal foam, liquid route and using CaCO3 - Tutor’s scholarship (CNPq)
  • Particle size analysis for a shredder designed to polymers - Tutor’s scholarship (CNPq)
  • 3D filament extruder – pupil scholarship (Fapesp)
  • 3D printer and 3D filament extruder to use for development of scholar materials – pupil scholarship (CNPq)
  • Low-cost Rotating Pure-Beam Fatigue Machine – Laboratory supplies (CNPq)


Laboratory - National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) – Number 305959/2017-4 My scholarship – CNPq – Number 168694/2018-2

Completed Projects

Analysis of Aluminum foam using Alporas methodology and Calcium carbonate with foam agent - Scholarship - Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES)


Control and characterization of morphology, distribution and size pores of aluminum foams using different silicon concentrates File:Aluminum foam sample.jpg

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