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Name Mark Hansen
Location Michigan, USA
Interests 3D printing, OSH
Groups 777 Users 2019
Courses MY4777
Registered 2024

Hi my name is Mark Hansen. I am a recent Mechanical Engineering graduate with a minor in Aerospace Engineering from Michigan Tech. I love photography, flying planes, and tinkering at home with projects. I love to tinker and design new things for the enviroment I am living in. I have a strong passion for all things Aerospace. Many of my future projects will revolve around this and will be shared here for the community.

Mark is a recent Mechanical Engineering graduate with a minor in Aerospace Engineering from Michigan Tech. Aviation and flying have always been a passion of his as well as photography. Mark's intent with 3D printing is to develop better tools to help him in both worlds. He has a lot of exciting projects brewing and waiting to be finalized. Stay tuned for some of his work!

Current Projects[edit | edit source]

Time lapse Camera Slider.pdf

The current project that I am working on is an automated time-lapse slider for my camera. The idea for this project comes from wanting to make higher quality time-lapses with dynamic movement in them. Alternative options for a product like this on the market start at several hundred dollars. My goal is to have this cost under $100.00 to make. The preliminary design for this slider can be found in this PDF or by visiting my dedicated page Open Source Camera Slider.

Upcoming Projects[edit | edit source]

  1. Upcoming Projects
    1. 3D Printed QuadCopter (Racing/FPV)
    2. 3D Printed QuadCopter (Cinematic)
    3. Car Phone Clip
    4. Second 3D Printer
    5. CNC Router
    6. RC Plane
  2. Projects in Progress

Open Source 3-D Printing Class - Michigan Tech Course[edit | edit source]

Big Projects[edit | edit source]

My Mini Projects[edit | edit source]

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