Left to right: Lucas Wilder, Terry Greene, Olin Johnson, Ben Maat. This is the 2012 Grand Haven ROV team after our initial pool testing.

About Me

Lucas Wilder
I am a third-year Electrical Engineering student at Michigan Technological University. My hometown is Grand Haven, MI. I have a passion for messing around with anything electronic or mechanical. I'm the leader and co-founder of the Open Source Hardware Enterprise, and the president of the Audio Engineering Society.


  • Robotics- Electronic controls and mechanics
  • Cheating the system- The idea of using a relatively homemade 3D printer to create really expensive scientific equipment cheaply gets me very excited. I'm all about helping people, and what better way to do it than this?
  • Working with my hands- I'd always much rather be experimenting and working on a project than working behind a desk crunching numbers.
  • Learning- I'm always looking for new knowledge that will allow me to expand my skill set. While I don't have any experience programming, I'm dying to be able to program a micro-controller and can't wait to learn. Electronics fascinate me and I want to know how everything works.


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