Me - inside a greenhouse located beside the Nunavut Research Institute in Iqaluit, Canada (2009)

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Who Am I?

I am above all else, a sailor- next and more relevant to this website I am a Chemical Engineering Graduate from Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario (Sci'10). I was born and raised in Toronto, Canada but with today's globalization I consider myself a citizen of earth. I am currently working in Mexico for a sail loft, to develop the skill sets needed to sail around the world. Lastly, I am a true believer Web 2.0 - and it's ability to support collaboration for continuous improvement.

My Interests

My interests are quite simple, I simply want to leave the world in a better state then I found it. I'm interested in solutions - solutions to what? General environmental destruction, the pollution of natural water and air, and foods that indirectly/directly damages the environment (pesticides and fertilizers, hormone contaminated meats, GM foods,etc...). Other obvious problems that I would like to solve are: Species extinction and decreased ecological biodiversity, overpopulation and mass natural resource consumption.

My vision is that human impact can have a positive impact on our surrounding environment.

Why Appropedia?

I have been inspired to sign onto Appropedia through the 4th Year Mechanical Engineering course "Engineering for Sustainable Development", a course taught by Dr. Joshua Pearce at Queen's University, I took this during Winter of 2010. To see our schedule and/or the course layout, CLICK mech425 or Mech425 schedule.

THE Next Project - a new lifestyle

I want to sail around the world, I want to live within the sustainable limits of my surroundings, I want to help others realize their potential and satisfy real needs all over the world. I want to help connect people, with great ideas and endless possibilities - that inspire real action. I want to improve how we live, and help connect my actions - and those of the people from the first world - with the results felt by other people and the long term consequences of those actions to the environment (both good and bad).

How will I do this?

1. Set up a 'Sustainability Campaign' - a campaign based on sustainable living, and connecting to create solutions.

2. Acquire and retrofit a Catamaran (sailboat).

3. Learn and practice sustainable living (using science) for myself first then promote the lifestyle and continuously improve it.

3. Set up a renewable energy power system, live solely off this. Next: farm algae cultures, catch fish and purify water.

4. Go from port to port, sharing what I have learned and learning how others live sustainably with the environment. Through the internet, I will actively promote a new lifestyle. I will connect long term solutions to the people who are interested, inspire interest in others and empower action.

Other Requirements

I will need sponsorship to finance this, I will need help with the research, development and installation of these mechanisms. I'll need a team around me helping to coordinate where I am to go - safety, weather, etc.. With teamwork - this is achievable.

Lastly, I believe that our large human population on earth is of benefit; I use this TED Talk and 'Crowd Accelerated Innovation' to support my view:

Appropedia Contributions/Mech 425 Course Projects

1. Attain Copyright of the AT Sourcebook and post PDF for the 'Local Self Reliance' section.

Summarized Local Responses to Global Problems: A Key to Meeting Basic Human Needs - by Bruce Stokes, 1978. Completed by myself and my teammates: Jerome Arthur, Graeme Armster, Landon Gardner & Bryn Sexton.

2. Energy monitoring

Created a Green Information Technology Green IT spreadsheet on the effects of implementing energy monitoring technology in a business. Evaluated the financial feasibility using the following metrics: expected payback time, Internal Rate of Return, environmental impact amongst others The project description page can be found here: Category:Mech425 GreenIT Project

3. Our third team project was to develop a Green IT evaluation for a business client- the evaluation is not available online as the information is confidential solely for the client. We investigated the financial payback and other financial measures for: the installation of photovoltaics with the Ontario FIT, how Energy monitoring and Phantom power reducing power bars. Completed by myself and my teammates: Jerome Arthur, Graeme Armster, Landon Gardner, Bryn Sexton & Chris Ruest.

3. My CAPSTONE PROJECT was on the Construction of an Affordable Greenhouse

This was my individual Appropriate technology project and contains a matlab file calculating the theoretical watts required per hour per day to maintain the greenhouse at a minimum temperature of 13 C, for Kingston, ON. The page also includes instructions for how to install (and when) an Affordable Greenhouse on your property.

Please Check them out!

  • Other Capstone Appropriate Technology Projects from the Mech 425 group can be found here: Mech425 AT Project

Other Engineering Projects and Green Interests Completed in 4th Year

Completed the following Projects at Queen's University in 4th year - however, they are not available online:

  • Technology, Engineering and Management APSC 400 - Partnered with Canadian Wollastonite and Lafarge Canada in a Multidisciplinary Engineering project evaluating the feasibility of sequestering carbon dioxide in Wollastonite rock. Involved performing bench scale experimentation, statistically evaluating the results, problem solving errors, created a process model using HYSIS process modeling software and finishing with an economic feasibility for the market using an expected price for carbon. Results are confidential to the client; multidisciplinary engineering project in group of 3.
  • The Management of New Enterprise (Entrepreneurship) (COMM 405) - Created a Business Plan for the PV Marketplace in Ontario. Groups of 4, commerce students only.
  • Transport Phenomena (CHEE 412) - Mathematical Modeling of a Solar Thermal panel(using Matlab), final results include the energy transfer from the sun to the water per day per time of day for an average year in Kingston. Chemical Engineering students only, group of 3.
  • Life Cycle Engineering (MECH 424) - Life Cycle Assessment of the energy requirement of and CO2 use in mining Oil Sands VS 'Sweet' Saudi Arabia Oil. Mechanical Engineering students, group of 4.
  • Design of Manufacturing Process: Biodiesel (CHEE 470) - Final year Chemical Engineering project involving: process research of the safety, side reactions, main reactions, optimization specs, etc...; use of process modeling software HYSIS to optimize Biodiesel production, examining environmental impact and economic feasibility as well as a recommendation for the client on how to act. Groups of 4, Chemical Engineering students only.
  • Sustainable Strategies and Practices for Commerce (COMM 408) - Evaluation of the effects of climate change in 50 years, the movement of Climate Refugees and resulting effects on the Canadian Economy. Created 'blue sky' ideas for how to solve climate change. Multidisciplanry teams, mostly commerce students.
  • Fuel Cell Technology (MDEP 437) - Multidisciplinary engineering course with a final capstone project evaluating the feasibility of a fuel cell in a subdivision. Recommendation, not economically feasible at this time. Group of 5, engineers only.

My Company: GreenTownes

Myself and my 2 partners, an MBA Candidate and a Software Engineer started GreenTownes: Ontario's best solar installation company. After a successful summer, the business is on hold as the partners are back to school for the year.


Some helpful links that I have found when using appropedia:

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Uploading difficult files:

"Lost Adventures - Lost Solutions" "Reef ON"

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