Jo Murphy

Name: Joanna "Jo" Murphy

I am 27, married and I've lived in Arcata for 5 years.

I'm an ERE major a Junior, and this is my first semester at Humboldt

Interests in Engineering

  • Water and waste water systems
  • machines/ systems that run on passive solar
  • urban gardening systems

Experience in Engineering

  • No formal experience to speak of in engineering yet.
  • I've learned that I want to help deliver clean water and sanitation around the world but I have yet to get any ideas past the idea stage.
  • I would say I only have the same experience as everyone else in the world at fixing things, (usually broken) with what I have or can get easily, with finding better and more systematic ways to do things that I have to deal with at work or in everyday life, and with looking at a preexisting product and figuring out how to improve it or make it more useable, attractive, efficient.
  • I have reverse engineered any number of foods.



  • For Engineering 215, my group and I, Team Ecodermis, designed a multiple layer shell to cover the Flock House. This is the document we created while designing our shell:[[1]]
  • This [2] shows a sample of a Gantt chart.
  • This is a sample of a memo [[3]]
  • These are AutoCAD Drawings [[4]][5] from the project.
  • This is a spread sheet [[6]]from the project.

Category: Engr215 Introduction to Design

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