Jairo Luque V.

About Me

My name is Jairo Luque and I am new student at HSU and the Humboldt area. I recently transferred from Miracosta College in San Diego county. I am a declared ERE major with the intention of finishing my degree. I look forward to learning more about ERE, meeting new people, and getting to know the area more.

Interests in Engineering

  • Water quality
  • Water resources
  • Water management

Experience in Engineering

  • Partcipated in the mid-pacific waste water treatment HSU team
  • Designed and implemented an amphitheater for Friends of the Dunes


  • For the ENGR 215 class, my group and I built The Sandy Cove Amphtheater, a low embedded energy amphitheater for the Friends of the Dunes organization. The following is the document that we wrote while finishing the project : The Sandy Cove Amphitheater.
  • This is an autcad sketch that I made for the project.
  • For the project, we used this Gantt Chart to plan the different activities for our project.
  • This is an example of an excel spreadsheet I made for the Engr 215 class.
  • This is a link of a nicely written memo for my Engr 115 class.
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