Life Feeds On Life

About Me

Name: Jenna Bader

I'm a transfer student from Santa Monica College, currently working on my BS degree in Environmental Science; Energy and Climate with a Minor in Metal Scultpure at Humboldt State University. I love being outdoors, discovering new places, gaining perspective, and seeking new opportunities to explore and learn. River trips, hiking with my dog, biking, playing at the beach, being in the presence of uplifting music, and hanging out with good people are a few things that keep me balanced. Check out my links for some fun facts, info, current news, and beautiful pictures of our planet and what's beyond it..


  • Environmental Resources Engineering focusing on Alternative Energy
  • Studio Art focusing on Metals

Interests in Engineering

  • Wave Power
  • Inventing Kinetic Energy Capturing Devices
  • Biomimicry

Experience in Engineering

Engineering 215 Portfolio

Below are samples of my work from the Engineering 215 Introduction to Design course from my Fall 2011 semester at HSU. All samples were based on a bicycle-powered generator project designed and implemented by Team U^s, including me and 3 other Engineering students. The project design is called Geared-Up From the Feet-Up.

Fun Links

CSSC Fall 2013 Spiral Hug at HSU

About Me

Jenna Bader
I am an Energy and Climate major at HSU under the Environmental Science program. I work for the PowerSave Campus program saving energy and conserving water on campus. I also work with the Humboldt Energy Independence Fund, writing future building standards for new construction projects at HSU. I am the chair of the HSU Sustainability Coalition, and enjoy a variety of sustainability projects and conversations on the daily. I love to learn, and have a passion to save the world and make it a better place for future generations.

Interests in Appropriate Technology

  • Bicycle power
  • User information and education
  • Clean water, clean air, sustainability

Experience in Appropriate Technology

  • Bicycle powered generator
  • Welding
  • Several do-it-yourself, woodworking, arts and craft projects
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