The Following are my rants and raves. sorry.


Why do so many people feel content to sit on their asses watching life pass them by? Those of us who do get started working on those issues are actually capable of so much (I think) but it is just that so many don't try.

I get mad at the green revolution because it is the bandwagon that everyone has jumped on and it will therefore ultimately get somewhere. No one today is at all interested in jumping on the humanitarian band wagon. I would like to say that things were different in the past. I am slightly under the impression that there was previously a lot of interest in bettering the world with the communist and the appropriate technology movements. Both of those are now so dead that we need not mourn them.

This green thing. perhaps people are not capable of a lot of change. I have a theory. For thousands of years, those who drank tea seemed to be healthier and so the practice was picked up more and more. Eventually we learned that it was the boiling of the water and not the tea that was really the thing to do and we now have clean sources of water, but we all still drink tea because the practice is so established in our culture. It is just like the flat earth people - it took HUNDREDS of fucking years for common people to accept that the world is round. There was no particular reason to believe that the earth was flat, but because that was the established thinking, it took an act of god to get people to give it up. The same thing is now happening with evolution. There is no particular reason to doubt evolution except that the established theory is that of creationism and so it is again taking hundreds of years to dispel the myth. All of this is to say that the world changes so very slowly, and there is little more established than children picking through a dump.

So if we are to assume that change is slow, then the things to accelerate change must be obvious, no? We can connect people so that ideas can travel more rapidly. we can educate them so that their minds are prepared for new ideas. I would also like to assume that change on the aggregate, like change in general, is exponential. This fact comes from the distributed effect that ideas have. Before the unity is reached, you would have been better off slogging on alone just getting shit done. If, however, unity can be reached or exceeded, then you are better off as an idea spreader.

Sometimes, however there is no point in trying to spread the idea because the unity time is greater than your time and socity is not (and maybe never will be) ready for it. What I need to do is write more. As with my inner thoughts, writing can focus my outer thoughts and I can get to places I would not have gotten before. As I become an expert on poverty, perhaps I can get places where no one has gotten before and move the world in a good direction.

So in that, I have pretty much decided it. I must approach this cerebrally. I must write more and publish my writings, however insane. These writings will eventually get somewhere and perhaps people will join me along the way and get there with me.

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