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Name Clarence C King
Affiliations Michigan Technological University
Registered 2013
Impact 1,080
Contributions Viability of 3-D printing thermoelectric semiconductors in peltier cooling applications
Clarence King
I am currently a 5th year undergraduate physics major enrolled at Michigan Technological University and graduating in December 2013. I am minoring in Nanotechnology which has been the focus of my studies. I am currently seeking to pursue graduate level studies in either nanotechnology or materials science.

Academic Interests[edit | edit source]

  • Nanotechnology
  • Graphene
  • Physics
  • Materials Characterization
  • Astronomy

Research Experience[edit | edit source]

Senior Research Project
The topic of my senior research project was studying the fabrication and characterization of graphene using naturally occurring graphite crystals. Together with my advisor, Dr. Jaszczak from the physics department, I discovered that it was possible to make hexagonal shaped graphene flakes by mechanical exfoliation by simply using naturally occurring growth formations on the surface of the crystal. The thickness of the graphene flakes was verified using optical microscopy and Laser Raman Spectroscopy. While I was unsuccessful at creating single-layer graphene, I had proven that the concept is indeed valid. Project Presentation
Nanotechnology Enterprise
During the past three years of my education, I have also been a member of the Nanotechnology Enterprise at Michigan Tech. The Nanotechnology Enterprise is a student run company specializing in nanotechnology related products for educational and outreach purposes. During my time in the enterprise, I have mainly been involved with developing a set of various nanotechnology related samples which can be viewed under an Atomic Force Microscope and used for education. Nanotech Innovations Enterprise
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