Thinking about strategy from the perspective of openCCS, for 2012.

Vision for openCCS

  • Inform action and policy on CCS.
  • High visibility and wide participation by academia, industry and think tanks/institutes.


  • Wide participation
  • High quality resources


To achieve the goal of wide participation:

  • Participation should be easy.
  • Participation should be social.
  • The resource should create a sense that this is it is important and useful (mainly through actually being useful).
  • Create a connection between when people contribute, and getting feedback from people they recognize (even by username). A sense that "people I know will be reading this."
  • Build a community slowly and sustainably. (Note the community-building resources at The Pillar Summit, especially How Your Branded Community Can Succeed Where Others Fail; see also the links at Online communities.)

To achieve the goal of creating high quality resources:

  • Engage the best, most knowledgeable people
  • Engage a diverse range of knowledgeable people, such that gaps in knowledge by one group are covered by another
  • Ensure the review process is prompt and effective.

Strategy and how-to

How to achieve these goals.
Goal 2nd-level goal Strategy How-to & who (specific tasks)
Boost participation Easy participation Comments on the openCCS UI have been submitted by me to the openCCS team in late 2011. This seems to be making good progress, thanks to Neil Bates and the rest of the tech team.
Boost participation Invite participants Engage academics them in having their (capable) students work with openCCS - mainly post-grad and research students. Contact academics; me.
Boost participation Invite participants Engage academics them in having their (capable) students work with openCCS - mainly post-grad and research students. Contact academics; me.
Boost participation Invite participants Industry partners sharing about their projects, products, service and ideas/research. Contact industry with proposal.
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