Here is me with a duck. Please note: this picture of me and said duck was taken with my own camera.

About Me

Annika Ragsdale
I am an Environmental Science student at Humboldt State University and I am a Studio Art minor! I have a lot of interests and those are just two of the things I am passionate about. I also love working with wildlife, doing construction work, baking, biking, hiking, kayaking, etc.

Interests in Technology and the Environment

Right now I am most interested in learning more about alternative energy. If I could, I would someday like to work with my two favorites, solar and wind. I am really passionate about working with my hands and doing/learning more about construction right now. I am interested in learning how I can make homes more energy and water efficient. Lastly, I would like to learn more about how we can be productive with all the food waste we as Americans create. I am really stoked on the idea of a food "digester" being used in Arcata and would like to do some research on how much energy that would generate.

Experience in Technology and/or the Environment

  • I have been studying environmental science since high school and so I have a fair amount of experience with the subject.
  • I have some general experience with different types of technology, mainly computers. I know how to use software like Microsoft Excel, ArcMap, and Minitab.
  • I have experience with building things, as I have previously worked doing maintenance for the National Park Service, worked for my father who is a general contractor, and have helped build enclosures for the Humboldt Wildlife Care Center. Also, Legos.
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