

Trauben Wein:
Vielleicht ist Trauben Wein den gaengigste Fruchtsaft mit Alkohol. Weil der Saft so viel Kommerzialisierung hat, gibt es sehr viel Forschung ueber den Vorgang.

Trauben Wein produktion hat die folgendes___: Die Trauben ausdruecken fuer Saft entnehmen; alkoholhaltig Gearung; malolaktische Gearung wenn Sie wollen; Massenspeicher und Reifung des Weins im einen Keller; Abklaerung und verpacken. Obwohl die Forschung einfach ist, fuer guter Qualitaet muss die Gaerung speziell sein. Die Gaerung braucht speziell und kontrolliert Bedingungen. Des deutlichen Geschmack des Trauben Wein entsteht von die Trauben als Ausgangsstoff und die Verarbeitung Ablauf. Der fruchtig und deutlich Charakter des Weins kommt von veile Elemente aus die Trauben. Diese Elemente haben viele fluechtig Substanzen. Zudem, beitragen die Trauben auch nicht fluechtig Substanzen und sie machen Geschmack und Gerbstoffe. Von hier kommt bitterkeit und verstopfung.

Although yeasts are the principal organisms involved, filamentous fungi, lactic acid bacteria, acetic acid bacteria and other bacterial groups all play a role in the production of alcoholic fruit products. Normal grapes harbour a diverse micro-flora, of which the principal yeasts involved in desirable fermentation are in the minority. Lactic acid bacteria and acetic acid bacteria are also present. The proportions of each and total numbers present are dependent upon a number of external environmental factors including the temperature, humidity, stage of maturity, damage at harvest and application of fungicides.

The fermentation may be initiated using a starter culture of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. This approach produces a wine of generally expected taste and quality. If the fermentation is allowed to proceed naturally, utilising the yeasts present on the surface of the fruits, the end result is less controllable, but produces wines with a range of flavour characteristics.

Rote Trauben Wein:
Rote Trauben Wein kommt aus veile afrikanisch, asiatisch, und lateinamerikanisch Laender wie Algerien, Marokko, und Sudafrika.

Product description: Red grape wine is an alcoholic fruit drink of between 10 and 14% alcoholic strength. The colour ranges from a light red to a deep dark red. It is made from the fruit of the grape plant.

There are many varieties of grape used including Cabernet Sauvignon, Grenache, Nebbiolo, Pinot Noir, and Torrontes. The skins of the grape are allowed to be fermented in red wine production, to allow for the extraction of colour and tannins, which contribute to the flavour.

Raw material preparation: Ripe and undamaged grapes should be used. Red grapes are crushed to yield the juice plus skins, which is known as must.

Processing: The crushed grapes are transferred to fermentation vessels. The ethanol formed during this fermentation assists with the extraction of pigments from the skins. This takes between 24 hours and three weeks depending on the colour of the final product required.

The skins are then removed and the partially fermented wine is transferred to a separate tank to complete the fermentation. The fermentation can be from naturally occurring yeasts on the skin of the grape or using a starter culture of Saccharomyces cerevisiae.

Traditionally, fermentation was carried out in large wooden barrels or concrete tanks. Modern wineries now use stainless steel tanks as these are more hygienic and provide better temperature control.

Fermentation stops naturally when all the fermentable sugars have been converted to alcohol or when the alcoholic strength reaches the limit of tolerance of the strain of yeast involved. Fermentation can be stopped artificially by adding alcohol.

Some wines can be drunk immediately. However most wines develop distinctive favours and aromas by ageing in wooden casks.

Packaging and storage: Traditionally wine was delivered to the point of sale in casks. The product is traditionally packaged in glass bottles with corks, made from the bark of the cork oak. The bottles should be kept out of direct sunlight. During storage, wines are prone to non-desirable microbial changes. Yeasts, lactic acid bacteria, acetic acid bacteria and fungi can all spoil or taint wines after the fermentation process is completed.

WineW Retrieved from "http://www.appropedia.org/Grape_Wine_(Practical_Action_Brief)" Category: Food and agriculture

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