
The Passive House Association of Ireland (PHAI) is “a catalyst for the increased awareness of the opportunities and benefits of low energy design based on the Passive House Principles.” [1] PHAI’s mission is to “promote, educate, and facilitate, so as to develop a strong identity, understanding and demand for the passive house concept.” [1] PHAI is an affiliated associate with the International Passive House Association and is a non-profit.[1] PHAI collects membership fees, but these fees go towards promotion of the Passive House Principle.

The Passive House Principles, also known as Passiv Haus, are a precise detailed design of building, that focus on an energy demand that is 90% lower than most buildings.[1] In a video series about Passive House building, Jeff Colley, Editor of Passive House Plus stated, “many people remain unaware that it’s a specific, rigorous building standard, and mistakenly use it as a short hand for energy efficient building and use of renewables.”[1] The Passive House concept is not just a way to build green, but it is a way to



See also

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